North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
7 Aug 2013
Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Present: Nigel, Alan, Graeme, Stuart, Rowan
Apologies: Nathaniel, Joelle
1. Bank balance $397.79. TSB has new checking account change of signatories form we have to sign. Agreed that Graeme, Stuart and Alan to be the new signatories. Carried.
Graeme to let Stuart and Alan know when to come into TSB to sign the docs in front of the teller etc.
2. Submissions on Parking Strategy due 9/8
Annual plan calls for removing requirement new businesses provide carparks or pay for street carparks. Also for reducing demand for new carparks through more efficient use of carpark buildings, more bike parking, and a Smartphone app to help drivers find caparks. Also calls for performance-based carpark management using fees to control utilisation rather than to raise revenue.
Action: Graeme will email draft submission to email list.
3. Local body elections - discussed potential candidates who are cycle-friendly with view to making recommendations to our email group.
Action: Stuart to obtain full list of candidates after 16 Aug and bring to next meeting.
4. Lets Go Working Group - Stuart provided updates on various upgrade projects. They incorporated our submission about providing 2 cycle lanes (inbound and outbound) at pinch points at Paynters Ave. Right turn to Devon Street from Northgate (inbound) is to be discontinued.Right turn from Watson St onto Northgate to be blocked off.
5. Reviewed Nathaniel's Let's Go coming events for 2013-2014. Walk to work Wednesdays scheduled for Aug, wtarting with walk to work day (today). Sept will feature a Fresh Air Challenge with people logging their active trips on the Let's Go site.
6. Report from Joelle:
- Train the trainers workshop on 10/7
- Interschool cyclist challenge scheduled for Fri 6 Dec for students completing grades 1 and 2 of cyclist training in 2012-2013.
- Frocks on Bikes will run spring ride during Taranaki Garden Festival. TAFT organising bookings. Cost to cover entry to garden, catering and music. Advertised in programme booklet.
7. CAN update - still completing major grant from Road Safety Trust and Toll NZ doing bicycle safety training for truckies. Set up meeting with Transpower in Taupo ( their contractor killed a cyclist).Jena involved in stakeholder engagement. 24-25 Aug CAN exec committee will meet in Wellington to draw up strategic plan for next 3 yrs.
8. Next meeting 4/9 at 5:30 pm