North Taranaki Cycle Advocates
22 October 2015
Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Present: Graeme, Stuart, Nathaniel, Nigel, Stuart, Joelle
1. Bank balances
Bike kitchen: $152.00
NTCA: 628.22
2. Urban Cycle Fund update - Nathaniel
2 projects currently in design phase:
- Extensive of Coronation Ave cycle lane past Highlands Intermediate - complicated because it proposes the elimination of several car parks.
- Extensive of Mangati Walkway to Parklands Ave.
3. Other NPDC projects
- Track past Motorua Primary School is complete
- South Road cycle lane from Spotswood Primary to Blagdon shops (improving cycle lane and recessing pedestrian crossings.
- Consultation about restricting parking on Devon West in Lynmouth to improve cycle lane safety - lots of complaints about this, as some residents lack access to garage parking. Let's Go is looking at creating offset parking for residents with no other options.
4. Cyclist roading safety issues
- Extremely rough pavement on Devon Street approaching Morley - Nigel has complained to NZTA but hasn't received any response.
- Barrett Street in Blagdon - absence of marker pegs to delinerate edge of road. Nigel has complained to NPDC.
- Discussed ponding occurring in wet weather on Henui Walkway due to improper drainage.
- Discussed difficulty accessing Mangati Walkway from new roadway.
5. Request for feedback
- NPDC has a budget to install more green paint areas to call motorist attention to cycle lanes. Contact Nathaniel with suggestions of routes where you feel these would be useful.
- NPDC also has a budget to undertake footpath renewals near schools. Contact Nathaniel for foothpaths that are dangerous due to cracks, uneven surfaces etc.
- Joelle mentioned problems with Frankleigh Road between Maratahu and the roundabout due to failure to clear debris falling down the hill - Nathaniel says this problem needs to be called in to NPDC.
- Joelle also raised problem of kids running across upper Carrington Street near the roundabout owing to lack of a proper crossing.
6. Potential for planting fruit trees along Mangaotuku Walkway
Nathanial reports there has been discussion about finding a group to organise a community planting project. Discussed approaching Marfell, St Joseph, Spotswood, Frances Douglas and the enviroschools about organising such a project.
7. Critical Mass
Discussed having a back to school Critical Mass ride in Jan to raise motorists awareness of child cyclists on the road and reaching out to churches to participate.
8. Christmas Party
Agreed to have Christmas Party on Wed 16 Dec at 5.30 at the bike kitchen and to spend money from NTCA for refreshments.
Action: Alan will let Kylie know.
9. New venue for bike kitchen (when Joe's Garage takes back the space)
Explored possibly getting a container from STOS and finding suitable parking lot to set it up in. As it would likely be pretty cold, we would most likely be limited to a spring/summer/fall bike kitchen.
Frocks on Bike ride 8 Novemeber (end of Garden Festival)
Liz Beck is trying to develop women's cycling group - first organisational meeting next week.
Ian Handcock (former cyclist) has developed a Fit for Farming project focused on holistic health. His national running/walking/cycling challenge will arrive in Taranaki Sun 20 Mar 2016 (last day of Womad) for him to interact with local cyclists. On Mon 21 Mar he will be at Lake Mangamahoe. The mountain bikers are organising local cyclists to meet with him.