Minutes of Squeaky Wheel meeting March 5th

Minutes of Squeaky Wheel meeting March 5th


Minutes of Squeaky Wheelmeeting March 5th


Bike Wise debrief

Thanks to Liz for greatfood. Muffins (40), fruit, yoghurt. Thanks to Ron for all his organisation,attending Bike Wise Organising Team meetings etc.

Washdyke: ~12-20cyclists. 7am-8am. Cyclists too busy getting to work to stop. Sign at AlpineEnergy earlier. 

Church Street: ~ 30cyclists. 7.45am-8.45am (most arriving around 8.30am). Good venue as cyclistsslowing for roundabout & site very visible.  Office workersattending. Verna stopped cyclists for breakfast

Bike Wise goodie pack: 2rear and 2 front lights, 2 vests, 20x ankle bands

DrinkBottles (5) given out to South School as requested by Jane


What was good:

Timing of event; Goodcoverage before hand; good food

Ideas for next year

Better signage, putposters up at big worksites.  More publicity. Cater for at least 40cyclists.  Bigger lettering for signs.  Signs to add"today" to bring people in (30m out). Cars need to see signage. Usethe wording ‘breakfast treats' on the sign. Bananas are good to hand out.Smaller muffins. Perhaps need to focus on things easy to hand to speedingcyclists.


Bike Racks on Buses

Extended trial in CHCHon 70-80 main buses, longer runs, bigger buses (59 seater).

Public Transport

Ron went to a TimaruPublic Transport Advisory Group (PTAG) meeting on behalf of SW.  Hesuggested people have the option to put their bike on bus as an alternative toget home if rains, i.e. Bike Racks on Buses! SW put this in their TDC AnnualPlan submission last year.

Campbell LiveProgramme

re University ofCanterbury study on different modes exposure to pollution (bike, car, bus,pedestrian) was screened on Monday 2 March.  May be able to google it tosee a podcast.


Cycling Networks

1. National Govt.proposal at Job Summit in Auckland. $50 million. 3700 jobs

2." Freeway Zero"(see CAN news release on website) Hikurangi Foundation. Has funding, and trustbeing set up

3.  Cycling inCanterbury Strategy (2005, Environment Canterbury). Strategy for thedevelopment of a regional network of cycle routes.  On Map in Strategy(page 7) Map shows Timaru to Pleasant Point, Geraldine to Omarama, to Mt Cook.

Jon Harris and MaxDeLacey to attend on behalf of SW.  In June/July (3.5 hours), date yet tobe confirmed. March 20 in CHCH is Central Canterbury workshop which is a pilotfor the Nth and Sth Canterbury Workshops.


Critical Mass

What's good: Like-mindedpeople. Chance to go cycling. Low level commitment for some people who want tocontribute something.

Some people disappointedabout numbers. 

Last ride was Evans toHobbs Street. 6 people, went 2 abreast past shops because need to vehicular(claim the lane) cycling.

Suggestion that somebodygoing regularly may like to be the one to choose the route i.e. pass on tosomeone else 

What happens whendaylight saving ends? Keep going biking in dark if people want to come. Stilldaylight in April.  Next Critical Massask people what they want to do. i.e. is anyone keen enough to keep going. Decidenext Critical Mass.



Goal Setting 2009/10


What would make SqueakyWheel happy to have achieved by December 09?

We want to makecycling safer and more enjoyable.


Goal 1: Good Cycle Way on Hilton Highway

(short medium goal) withthe ultimate goal (long term) to ensure good cycle facilites on Evans Street(when/if 4 laning goes ahead)


1. Establish workingrelationship with NZTA Highways by setting up meetings with NZTA Highways todiscuss. Follow up letter sent last year and not replied (sent to Colin Hay).Jonto send Fiona letter for her to follow up with NZTA. Keep TDC informed ofprogress with NZTA.

2. Ideas for how toRally public support: an opinion survey, debate in newspaper, Video Cam of theride, Taking TDC & NZTA staff for a ride, Go into worksite (phone calls toset up meetings during staff breaktime) ask staff-what would it take to make itmore enjoyable to cycle (6 sites-Light Leathers, DB breweries, Alpine Energy,Placemakers ). Few mornings meetings at staff morning tea (series of questionsfor those that do cycle and those that don't).  Peter Macauley to betalked with about ideas and support.  Jonto check if Peter is on email list.


Goal 2.  to build group membership

More members. 12 financial& active members by Christmas.  We currently have 5.  

How: Email addresses).Try to get phone numbers off members, as phoning is more effective(immediate feedback, more labour intensive but better outcome).  Script .When meeting people knowing what going to say, get name and phone number. ShortSentences?


Goal 3: Submit to LTCCP (ECan and TDC). 

ECan: 30 March to April20 (submission period)

Timaru District Council:18 April to 18 May (submission period)


Goal 4:  Get Timaru Active TransportStrategy reviewed and updated.

 Why is it called a draft? What about theGeraldine AT Strategy?  Is this is going to be part of the TDC Strategy.  Need to follow up with TDC.  Fiona to raise at Regional TransportCommittee (RTC) Active and Passenger Transport Working Group

Goal 5:  BikeParking in front of Timaru District Council and Timaru Library. Presentation to TDC (already prepared, need torefine and set date for presentation)



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