Minutes of Cycle Aware Wellington Meeting 2 September 2014

Minutes of Cycle Aware Wellington Meeting 2 September 2014


Andy, James, Mark, Tom, Frank, Brian, Ian, Alan, Paul, Patrick, Andy, Andreas, Josh, Lance, Sridhar

Election is on 20 Sept (Get out and vote!). Noted that National government has proposed new money for urban cycleways effectively doubling national cycling budget, For party policies, etc check the Love Cycling page on CAN website.

BIKE indicators:  Andreas, Josh, and Lance gave us a rundown on their Massey Uni business studies project on bike indicators: a proposed product is a glove with rechargeable LEDs.

How could we spend $100M (proposed extra funding for urban cycleways)? No problem. Fix Hutt to Wellington/ Thorndon, build second tunnel through Mt Victoria as cycle/walkway. Pragmatic fixes for key routes, $14M.

Hutt City cycling budget: Tom discussed how Hutt Cycle group had worked with council officers to get cycling budget raised from  $350 000 to a proposed $1.5M. Emphasis on evidence based benefits, e.g. 30-60% accident improvement, increased ridership

Island Bay to CBD Cycleway: council meeting decided that decisions could be approved by Transport and Urban Development Committee, removing risk of delays.

30km/hr CBD speed limit failed to pass.

Speed limit for bikes on waterfront? Complaints of cyclists travelling at 48km/hr. Unlikely, but emphasises need for cycle lanes on Quays, 

Ciclovia 2015. There is a proposal to have motor free Sundays on the Miramar Peninsula in February 2015. Watch this space.

Cargo bike event. James is proposing: curious delights, cabinet, steampunk...

Pedal ready: 13/14 September training for instructors

Rants and Raves

Patrick noted two Dompost editorials advocating building of cycleways, and in favour of reduced speed limits.

Ian noted problems with Karo/Taranaki. Looks like this will be improved when construction finished.

Alastair raved about joy of eBikes, having just got one.

Alastair also reported that second Folding Goldies ride went well.

James reported using Polhill’s Transition track as a commuting route, safely got fish home for tea.

Frank raised issues with Overseas terminal development, traffic crossing cyclists waterfront route to Oriental Parade.

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