Minutes: NTCA meeting - 4th August

Minutes: NTCA meeting - 4th August


4 August 2010

Chair:  Graeme

Notetaker:  Graeme


Present:  Graeme, Anna.

Apologies:  Alan Chapman.


1.           Money:

$239.80 in TSB account.

2.           New member:

Anna recently moved to NP from Scotland.  Talked about what NTCA has got up to and how local advocacy works.  Graeme to add Anna to list of people he prompts re upcoming meetings etc.

3.        Graeme to remember next time to send out reminder as usually more turn up!

4.        NPDC wanting feedback on whether bikes on buses worth pursuing, see  http://www.metroinfo.org.nz/bikeRacks_Main.html.  Graeme to email group to canvass their opinion to see if there’s a market for having the bus fleet in New Plymouth fitted with bikeracks and if anyone has experience with using them.

5.        Next meeting: 1st September somewhere to be decided, 5.30 pm.




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