North Taranaki Cycle Advocates
26 Nov 2015
Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Others present: Nathaniel, Nigel, Joelle, Alan.
1. Financial Report
Balance bike kitchen: $222.70
Balance NTCA: $628.22
Discussed Bike Kitchen request for NTCA to help purchase a mechanic's bike stand.
Decision: Agreed NTCA would add to amount in bike kitchen account if necessary to enable this purchase - Alan will let group know via email.
2. Consolidating meetings
Decision: agreed NTCA and Bike Kitchen would meet jointly and only hold meetings every other month - in the case of submission deadlines, special meetings can be called or submissions can be discussed via email.
3. Let's Go Update - Nathaniel
Let's Go will be getting their own road safety engineer to approve and oversee all roadworks.
Urban Cycling Fund Projects - progressing into design phase with input from Highland students.
Concerns that track on Ngamotu Domain is extremely steep and bordeline dangerous.
4. CAN update - Graeme
CAN negotiating with NZTA to do more bike/heavy duty truck trainings.
CAN's review due by end of Nov.
CAN-Do scheduled for mid-March in Hamilton.
Walking/Cycling conference scheduled for July - abstracts due by early Feb.