North Taranaki Cycle Advocates
5 Feb 2014
Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Present: Nathaniel, Graeme, Rowan, Stuart
Apologies: Alan, Nigel, Joelle
1. Bike Fix-up
Nathaniel reported that we fixed 65 bikes at the fix up Sat and Alan elecited some interest in the Green bikes project.
2. Green Bikes Project
Nathaniel reported there has been preliminary discussion with Dan Carter about having a bike drop in clinic that would have tools and wrecked bikes available for parts. Let's Go has been talking to Bike Barn about subsidising a 3 evening course for volunteers willing to commit on ongoing basis. Premises are needed and Blue Moon being investigated.
3. Survey
Graeme provided feedback from Patrick on survey. Agreed that responders could provide email to go into draw for a bike shop voucher - NTCA would put up $50 and try to get bike shop to top it up.
4. Motorua School - cycle program geared on Hawke's Bay Bikes in Schools (with cycle tracks on school grounds, container with extra bikes/helmets) has been approved by board of trustees but without a budget. A parent has drawn up plans but needs to get bid from civil contractor and find sponsor to finance it.
Action: Graeme will check in with Motorua principal next week.
5. March cycle activities (Nathaniel)
Bike to work day, cycle powered movie (The Flying Scotsman - 2012 kids comedy), street party, extreme cycling event, street jam, Frocks on Bikes ride.
Action: Nathaniel will email Graeme with schedule of activities.
6. Rowan reported speed limit on State Highway 3 to Waitara has been reduced to 80 km/hr and passing lanes have been closed to accommadate wide shoulder and single carriage lane.
7. Submissions to annual plan will open between 19 Mar and 17 April. Let's Go Funding runds out mid-2015 and NTCA will need to scrutinize how skills training in schools will be funded.
8. Rowan reported that walkway gets really rough as it approaches the port, which is a major problem for cyclists. Also discussed that wouden planking around wind wand is quite dangerous and causing daily accidents.
Action: Nathanial will ask Carl about uneven walkway near port.
9. Current balance $397.71
10. Next meeting 5 Mar 2014 at Mayfair Bar.