North Taranaki Cycle Advocates
4 May 2015
Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Present: Grame, Stuart, Liang, Nigel, Alan, Joelle
1. Account balance: $428.79
2. NPDC Long Term Plan submission - Graeme distributed our Long Term Plan submission (made 24 April) for comments and feedback.
3. NPDC Blueprint consultation - we discussed making submission on Blueprint, with general emphasis on the problem NPDC's heavy emphasis on growth poses in terms of sprawl, which makes it hard to replace vehicle use with public and active transport.
Action: Graeme will put together some ideas and send them through for feedback.
Action: People should consult Blueprint on NPDC website and make individual submissions (
3. Sport Taranaki
Joelle's doing the training for Let's Get Going (cycle training for kindie students age 3+). Five week program, though teachers and parents attend.
Let's Go cycle skills training fulling booked for rest of year - 8 skills doing cycle skills training, 2 doing scooter training. Cycle safety training also happening in South Taranaki schools.
4. Trainer workshop 30 April - Joelle reported on trainer workshop in which truckies and cyclists traded places to get perspectives on each other's situation.
5. Bike kitchen
First bike kitchen scheduled for Sat 6 June at 2 pm.
Nathaniel is negotiating with Joe's Garage about possibly holding bike kitchen in their storage area.
Ideally we would use Huatoki Plaza as fall back if we can't find indoor venue.
Duncan keen to be involved again and we need to get tools back from him
Alan, Liang and possibly Jono will form bike kitchen management group and meet mid-May.
They will try to get Nathaniel to advertise the bike kitchen in Council News section of Midweek so we don't have to pay for advertising.
Decision: Agreed by unanimous assent to set up subaccount for bike kitchen on our NTCA account at TSB Bank and to appoint Alan, Graeme and Stuart to be signatories.
Action: Joelle will ring manager of crafts market to ask how much they pay for Huatoki Plaza.
Action: Joelle will approach woman from Cycle Inn about possibly doing a Wenches with Wrenches training for Frocks on Bikes.
Action: Liang will create Facebook event page and forward link so we can forward to friends.
Action: Stuart will email contact emails to get events in Midweek and Daily News calendars.
6. Events coming up
Wed 13 May 5.15 pm Be Seen (Tukapa/Maratahu St) NTCA volunteering to assist Let's Go and police with project to ensure cyclists are using lights after dark.
Thur 14 May 5.30 pm Glow (Huatoki Plaza) Family friendly activities to encourage cyclists to wear high viz and use lights after dark.