CAW monthly meeting, April 2010

CAW monthly meeting, April 2010

by Nicola

  1. Presentation by Paul Corbett of the “Tunnels Alliance” - an NZTA procured Alliance for refurbishment of the tunnels in Wellington (Mt Vic and Terrace).

This has to happen independently of plans for additional tunnels, due to age-related issues

The Alliance would like a CAW rep on a community reference group that they will consult with throughout the project. (Will involve a meeting every couple of months or so.)

Issues include safety (earthquake strengthening and fire systems), the walkway (cycleway!) through Mt Vic, and noise and traffic management during the period of work.

  1. There is $5k given to CAW for a waterfront courtesy campaign which will be underway shortly (watch this space!).

  2. Submissions: Annual Plan Submission due early May, RLTS (Greater Wellington) due late April. Nicola will post a draft on the website.

  3. Cycle training: there will be an education programme for kids on housing estates, volunteers welcome. Patrick organising.

  4. Discussion of the 'mind the gap' campaign by the regional council and the omission of 1.5m as a recommendation (even!). General agreement that it could be useful to use the number in some situations, and this might not require support for a law change (is currently a recommendation in the road code?)

  5. CAW AGM! Will be 4 May! Volunteers are required for a variety of positions, including that of chair! Volunteers to contact Ilona.

  6. Discussion of the location of the next meeting – a more convivial location is desirable but it is necessary that it be quiet enough for a meeting to be possible. A number of bars in central Wellington are being investigated.

Meeting adjourns at 7 pm.

Next meeting: AGM

When: Tuesday the 4th of May at 6pm

Where: Wellington City Council Room 2 (Korimako)

What: Chair’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Election of Committee members

Call for Volunteers

Highlights from 2009-2010 (e.g. Thorndon Quay clearway)

John Dunn from Ministry of Tourism will present on the NZ Cycle Trails project


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