Present: Julia Capon, Isobel Cairns, Mark Coburn, Tom Halliburton, Jane Mehaffey, James Burgess, Craig McGregor, Ian Bennett, Brian Wolfman, Patrick Morgan, Simon Kennett, Lisa Black, Gilbert Sanseu (Chair).
Moving Planet
Julia Capon from spoke about the Moving Planet event on 24 September- cyclists (and walkers, skateboarders, etc...) converging from suburbs to a central venue at 2pm 24 sep. want CAW to spread the word, organise rides. Patrick will put collecting points, guidelines on CAW website. Suggested that we showcase a route (eg from Island Bay) that we want WCC to improve. Should utilise Journey Planner routes.
Draft Hutt Corridor Plan. Alastair and Tom reported on oral submissions. Many submissions in favour of Petone Ngauranga Cycleway/Walkway upgrade, although NZTA question whether money could be better spent elsewhere.
NZTA Basin Reserve and Ruahine Street proposals
James and Gilbert had attended consultation meetings. Their impression was that NZTA is committed to a flyover, and is only consulting about how this is done, e.g. clip-on bike paths. However the flyover is opposed by many local groups. Bike path clipon would cost $8M, but according to Simon's test rides, would save 3 minutes cycling time across the basin reserve area.
James has also talked to the Architecture Centre about their Option X proposal which advocates a ground level solution, with a tunnel under Memorial Park.
James, Gilbert, and Phaedra are working on a submission, due 26 Aug. Will express opposition to flyover, but concentrate on facilities required for cyclists in the event that it goes ahead. For example; separate cyclists from traffic in tunnel, provide a smooth transition from cycle path to roads, safer options for the service lane paralleling Ruahine St, provide options for faster bikers, avoid cyclists sharing with buses.
Freewheeling 2011 Festival
CAW is not organising anything specific. Simon is organising a folding bike event 6 November. PNP is organising a static trainer event.
Cycling in Wellington blog
Lisa asked that CAW assist with the cost of hosting and domain registration (approximately $170/yr): moved Alastair seconded Simon that CAW fund the blog for next year. Passed.
Wellington Trails Alliance
Group coordinating development of mountain bike trails. Simon suggests CAW should provide a representative to provide commuter input. Ian volunteers.
30 second Raves
Simon reported on bus driver/ cyclist conflict over case where cyclist was not using the kerb cutout in Glenmore St
Alastair reported on Cape Town cycle facilities: lots of cycle paths developed for World Cup, few cyclists.
Isobel reported being fined for riding on a pedestrian crossing when trying to bypass a red light. Simon points out a number of instances where police will prosecute, e.g. failing to put foot down at stop sign.
Simon reports that the B traffic light for buses will also apply to cyclists - at the moment it doesn't.