Action points from CAW committee planning meeting 6 July 2014

Action points from CAW committee planning meeting 6 July 2014


James, Ron, Sridhar, Jill, Alastair, Eleanor 

Review of last years meetingCouncillor engagement for local election; Profile building; Major projects: Ngaur petone, Basin Bridge, IB-CBD. none 
FundingStrategy of employing person in promotion role has been successful, and hasn't unduly affected finances. However need to raise more money. High value donors , individuals and businesses. Provide link to GiveALittle Jill
National elections campaignPre-election campaign to generate interest in cycling, locally and nationallySeries of questions to candidates, policy, what do you want to achieve? Personal perspective. Adapt council election Qs. Include list candidates. ?
Government Policy StatementImportant since determines what council does, national push with other groups, eg generation zero. CAN may get mass submissions. Need single issue?Will do submission, encourage members submissions Eleanor
Best use of WCC budgetConcern if not spent. Under $250k can proceed without formality. List of issues harvested at Go By Bike Day has been sent to WCC.Discuss potential minor fixes with WCC to ensure budget spent, [Isabella says Brett McPhedran, cycling Principal Traffic Engineer is charge of the Minor Works programme] ?
Role in biking cultureAspects other than commuting, eg movie on bike culture.James talking to Cuba Lighthouse re showing James
Employer provision for cyclingOffer information to employer on bike parking etc. Checklist League of American Bicyclists. Get donations, promote cycling to work.Take opportunities to advise employers.  Provide checklist to employees/CAW members. ?
Infrastructure projectsIBCBD well underway. What else to push for? Ngauranga Petone, announcement to time with election?Check on progress with Ngauranga Petone, opportunities to accelerate. Alastair


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