Unavailability of urban appropriate utility style bicycles in New Zealand

Unavailability of urban appropriate utility style bicycles in New Zealand

Having lived for 10 years in Japan where there is a very broad cycling demographic (of 86 million cyclists!) , it is glaringly obvious to me that the unavailability of urban appropriate utility style bicycles in New Zealand is limiting the opportunities for many New Zealanders seperating ourselves from our cars.

While there seems to be some effort being made by a few cycle retailers in New Zealand to stock a couple of (token?) 'commuter' style bicycles, there are virtually none selling the fully equipped modern European style urban utility bicycles which are the choice of the much wider demographic who make up the masses of cyclists in the Europe 'cycletopias' and in other countries such as Japan.

There is an obsession among New Zealand's existing cycling culture , with speed and with at least, seeming to be going 'hard out'.
By catering exclusively for this culture, the cycle retail industry in New Zealand is depriving a lot of ordinary New Zealanders (i.e. the elderly and women in general and those of us disinterested in 'athletic' pursuits) from taking up cycling as an alternative to driving for their everyday transport needs ( i.e. for 'getting around (at a relaxed pace)' as opposed to just (hard out) 'commuting').

The mountain bikes and road racers , to which New Zealanders are almost exclusively limited, are neither designed nor appropriate for
urban utility style cycling and are virtually useless for carrying stuff ( shopping etc) and in wet weather and are definitely not appropriate styles
for a very large section of the potential cycling population.

There must be a huge market among the vast majority who currently choose not to cycle, for the 'comfort' bicycles that dominate the market whereever cycling is really prevalent.

'Sit up and beg' posture, step through frames, folding frames,
technologies such as internal hub-powered dynamo LED or Halogen lights with capacitors to keep the lights going while stopped at intersections, maintenance and problem free internal hub gearing systems, mudguards, chain-guards, baskets on the front and back, wheel-brace snap locks, pull back stands, skirt guards and of course bicycle bells...
- all of which are pretty much standard on bikes in Europe and Japan , -the kinds of technologies that make cycling so much more convenient, practical, practicable, comfortable, convenient, reliable, and safe,- are sadly virtually unobtainable in New Zealand.
What do YOU reckon ?
Alan Preston , (presently) in Christchurch.

To see a listing of what is currently available in New Zealand, go to :


and let me know of any that aren't listed.

I'm taking the liberty of shifting these comments to my above posting into this forum thread as although I intended my initial posting to be in the forum category it seems to have disappeared to 'articles'( which I couldn't find on this site)

Apologies for doubling up but I'd like to get this discussion going.
Alan in Christchurch.

Stephen Wood
8th of January 2009.

I'd agree that things have got better in recent years with options for
bike types. when my old touring bike was too difficult to maintain a
few years ago, I bought a 700c wheeled comfort bike from a local bike
shop, added dynamo, mudguards, racks and new handlebars to get
something I consider eminiently suitable for a utility and touring bike
for both road, and light offroad use. That wouldn't have been easy to
obtain 10 years ago. I commute to work on it too. I realise that this
isn't the same as an ideal urban utility bike talked about, and I had
to source some of the extras myself, but it is an option that didn't
used to be available.

Stephen Wood , based in Central Otago
Marianne Draijer
8th of January 2009.
comment 'As an ex bike shop manager,' by Marianne Draijer

As an ex bike shop manager, wholesale rep I have the experience and
insight to disagree with alot of the comment post in reflection to
Japan. The comment of 86 million Japanese cycling says already the
difference between New Zealand and Japan. Greater population equals
more availability and more opportunity for bulk buy deals. The
wholesalers/retailers do a great job at trying to meet the needs of New
Zealanders and New Zealanders budjets. Most of what you have asked for
is available in New Zealand. Copmfort bikes are available in two
different wheels sizes 26" and 700c. With such a small market here,
our wholesalers/retailers are fuelled by trends. The 1980's MTB trend
helped our bike shops to make a decent profit for a change. The
comfort bike has done the same over the last seven years.
Personally I love all the types of bikes that are available and that
they are attainable.
Remember that extra's add weight to your bike, especially a dynamo
system. And not all of New Zealand is flat.
Off road cycling lanes have made a big difference to the ammount of
consumers wishing bikes. I take my hat of to the Councils and CAN (and
their sub-agents)for doing that. Especially here in Nelson. Roll on,
roll on.
There's a blessing and a curse with having a small population.
Wheelfully yours, Marianne.
Thanks Marianne.

Of the 86,000,000 people (of all demographics) who cycle (almost exclusively for transport) in Japan, (and in the European cycletopias) I'd guess that the vast majority of them would abandon cycling if you took away their utility style bikes and forced them to ride the recreational styles of bikes that we're limited to here in New Zealand ( especially if you forced them to wear helmets and share the roads with motor vehicles as we do here).
The machismo and hypy attitude that pervades and prevails in the bicycle retail industry in New Zealand seems to reflect the products that are being sold ( assertive/athletic, mechanorexic, 'nth degree, high-speed styles and technologies )and must dissuade a lot of people who are seeking a slower, less assertive/agressive approach to getting around on a bicycle.

You don't see many old people in bike shops here, and not many unathletic women or anyone who's into 'slow cycling'.

Whenever I've made inquiries as to whether they have anything that is 'not a mountain bike or road racer' I'm frequently greeted with a general attitude expressing disinterest (even disdain and ridicule) and ignorance of
utility style bicycles. "Na,-that's old technology mate,-they don't make those any more".... etc..

The cycle retail industry ( BIANZ) doesn't seem to be making any concerted effort to educate its members and their staff about what 'alternative'(mainstream actually)
technologies are available, in order that they expand their market by providing for those (ie. the elderly/unathletic) within the vast majority who don't/won't currently cycle , who might otherwise, given
the appropriate technologies (not to mention environment and a less punative legal framework) choose to do so.

If any of you members of CAN can understand where I'm coming from here and acknowledge that what I'm saying has some validity, the next step would be to form a group to work with BIANZ to try to create an awareness of(in order to stimulate market demand) for styles and technologies that are more appropriate practical, convenient, reliable
and appealing to the demographic groups who aren't currently being provided for.

i.e. the elderly, women in general, those of us disinterested in speed,the unathletic, those of us who want to carry stuff on a bike, ride in the rain, at night etc...

I've ridden 15 kms around Christchurch today ( a beautiful week day) , and while I've seen thousands of cars, I don't think I've seen another cyclist.
This is indeed a sorry state of affairs...

Alan Preston in Christchurch
Promoting urban appropriate utility bicycles and utility cycling in New Zealand

Perhaps it is just a Christchurch problem. Or have all your elderly people moved to Nelson? Most of my Cycle skills students are the elderly. I try not to envy the time they have riding and their fitness.
We sell a whole heap of comfort bikes here. And there is a importer in the area whom sells electric bikes.
I have heard of Dutch Commuter bikes beening sold here, probably in Auckland. Will have to google it. Is Christchurch so way down south that it is missing out? Or do the bike shops you go to have a narrow vision?
Some of the shops direct import their stock and therefore probably stick to the main sell items. Walk a mile in the retailers shoes and then things may be clearer. Or should I say bike a kilometer in the retailers shoes.
Wheelfully yours, Marianne.