New T2 Lane Okahu Bay - Dangerous

New T2 Lane Okahu Bay - Dangerous


I have been cycling to work along Tamaki Drive for year now, the council have changed the bus lane from Kelly Taltons to Orakei into a T2 (Those cars with 2 more passengers) can drive down that lane. Since then I have noticed it has become far more dangerous cycling along this piece of road. A 4-wheel drive passed me within about a foot of me and stopped and then when I went to pass he turned into me while not waiting for another car to merge in. I talked to 1 other cyclist this morning and cars are beeping at him to get out of the way.

I do not think the council have thought about cyclists on this one :(



Groups audience: 

From memory there is a segregated pathway running the entire length alongside this route - are cyclists not permitted to use it ?

Alan Preston in Mangawhai, Northland.

The shared path on Tamaki Drive in most places is a two metre footpath with a white line down the centre, hardly suitable for cycling unless travelling at walking pace to dodge pedestrians, dogs, skateboarders, inline skaters and if the law changes to permit them Sedgeways, oh and mobility scooters.........

That's the reason most cyclists use the road which is flat and a fast surface.