GWRC would like a CAW rep or two at a climate change workshop probably 19 May (clashing with Active Transport Forum?) - any volunteers?
Hi Alastair
I am currently working on contract to the Greater Wellington Regional Council developing a regional response to climate change. We are working towards a community action plan containing initiatives both to mitigate emissions impacts and to adapt to climate change effects which are no longer avoidable. Before we draft such a beast, we would appreciate some input from community groups such as Cycle Aware Wellington. To this end, we are convening a workshop on the afternoon of 19 May, probably at 1.30 till 4 or 4.30pm. I will circulate some material to participants prior to the workshop which will give a context for the discussion.
Could you please indicate by Thursday 7 May whether you or someone else would like to represent your group at this workshop? We will be a bit limited as to numbers at this workshop so need to restrict numbers to a couple from each of the groups. There will be an opportunity for wider input later in the development process.
Alison Lash
CCP Project Manager
Greater Wellington Regional Council
p. 04 803 0376
m. 027 4527425