Cycle Aware Wellington (CAW) recently had its annual planning meeting and over cup cakes, we came up with ideas for potential CAW projects for 2010-2011. But we need your help to prioritise what top three projects we should work on over the next year. Please fill in this short online survey – so we can work on your top picks.
Last year we worked on meetings, submissions, and improving relationships. CAW’s three projects were: the implementation of the Wellington City Council (WCC) cycling plan, membership engagement, and bus driver training. We had a great year with a key WCC win on Thorndon Quay and we engaged members with great events such as Love to Roll, Go By Bike Day, Wairarapa tour, Obscycle course and the 350 ride. We also helped run the first bus driver training workshop.
What should be our priorities for 2010 and 2011? Have your say by completing this online survey – and if there is something that you particularly want to work on (whether it is on the list or not) - why not start a forum topic on the website, work out a campaign, come along to our next meeting (Tuesday 6 July 6-7.30pm, front room of the Library bar) and get involved.
Thanks for your feedback,
The Cycle Aware Wellington crew.
Feedback wanted for Cycle Aware Wellington 2010/2011
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