Cycle Action (Auckland) eNews March 2010

Cycle Action (Auckland) eNews March 2010


Cycling is on a roll!


From the Chair

Whether you are currently enjoying the pleasures of cycling or still thinking about getting your bike out, 2010 is looking very promising for you. Take time to enjoy this new bumper edition of Cycle Action Auckland's eNews (we were aiming for six editions a year - but at the moment, we seem to be going for three double-sized ones instead). So read about all the cycling events that have been taking place in Auckland over the summer as well as the exciting cycling projects that are in the pipeline.  And finally, help us "get more people on bikes more often" by passing this eNews on to all your friends and family. After all, cycling is common sense!

Features include:

Cycling champions of BikeWise Month - Debbie Lang and Bronwyn Jones
February Social Rides - Amble to Ambury and Twin Streams Ride
Tamaki Drive Working Party
Redlight Zone -  Road Rules & Road Safety regarding traffic at intersections
Code for cyclists - new NZTA production with information specifically targeting cyclists
Submission Fever
NZ Cycle Trail Update

Download complete eNewsletter here (PDF 525 KB)

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