Bike stand suggestions?

Bike stand suggestions?


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Celia Wade Brown (

Does CAW have a current list of bike stands/ parks needed e.g.Bowen House, Turnbull House, MfE at Kate Sheppard?

If you've got a favourite parking spot without a stand, let Celia know.

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I see lots of new parks around town e.g. Abel Smith at Southern Cross.

How about these:
Courtenay Place by Paramount cinema
Courtenay Place by Readings cinema
Cuba St by Fidel's
Cuba St by Swan Lane
lower Willis St
Chews Lane outside NZTA
Lambton Quay by Parliament
Featherston St at Black Harp
College St by Cafe L'Affare
Civic Sq by City Gallery
Aitken St at National Library

Ghuznee St between Cuba and Marion Sts

Garrett St by People's Coffee

I can't add any further suggestions about sites for parking, but one thing I would love to see is some COVERED bike stands, for those times when you have to leave your bike locked up in town all day (or every day, for some commuters).


I can't seem to find the "edit" option on the map so will add my suggestion here.  How about somewhere in Upper Willis Street, near the CAN headquarters!! Maybe there are some there now but somewhere in that block between Dixon and Ghuznee would be good.

Have added them to the map, and added a link if you want to edit.

more cycle racks outside the Freyberg would be good and also on Tory street where there are several gyms/yoga studios etc but only lampposts to lock your bike up to.

In Bunny St between Lambton Qy and Thorndon Qy, Rutherford House (mind you, it should be VUW providing these!)

While we're on the topic, a useful blog posting on bike racks from a landscape architect

Bike stands work better when there is a group of them rather than having 1 or 2 everywhere. Its still useful to have a few small stands scattered around but a couple of larger 'bicycle parks' is better. It provides more security for the bikes have lots racked together and also allows for provision of other services such as CCTV, lighting, showers and lockers (and covering of the racks as per Eleanor's comment).You get the same sort of advantages as other transport hubs. There are plenty of overseas examples of this.

Suggested locations are Queens Wharf (and make use of the showers that are already there and under utilised), near the Railway Station (with showers and lockers inside the station complex), Freyberg (use the showers and lockers in the pool facility) and somewhere near Civic Square / Pigeon Park).

There is currently an 'urban myth' that almost all big businesses have showers and bike cages for their staff. Its just not true. Many (but not most) have a couple of showers. And not everyone works for a large company.

It would also be good to have mini-bicycle parks in suburban centres e.g. Kilbirnie, Netwtown. In Newtown, for example, there are 3 of the curved 'n' racks at the Constable St-Riddiford St intersection. If you did rack a bike on these you get to choose whether you want to have the bike sticking out into the road or on to the footpath. In the past 12 months I've never seen them used. I don't think people realise that they are actually bike racks. There is currently lots of talk about car parking issues in Newown (which Celia and the CCDHB are very aware of) so a bicycle park is something to investigate.

What is the biggest complaint from cyclists about bicycle parks? But then I have to walk to work etc from where I've parked! Get over it, that's what you have to do when you park a car, too :-)