Draft newsletter to NTCA email group

Draft newsletter to NTCA email group

Announcements/Things that are coming up:

  • Registrations are now open for the NZ Cycling Conference.  This is to be held in New Plymouth at the TSB Show Place on 12th and 13th Nov 2009.  The conference theme is "Communities, connections and the economy". To register and see the draft programme view at: http://cyclingconf.org.nz/.

    Have a read and see if you would like to come along.  A discounted rate is available for advocates, on application to CAN before the early bird cut off date of 2nd October.
  • Friday the 13th November - Mass Spooks and Spokes RideTo celebrate the day and the upcoming CAN weekend, those advocates in town early and those left over from the Cycling Conference are invited to dress up in the appropriate gear (Monster Mash/Spooks on bikes/Zombies etc) and go for a mass ride through town on the evening of 13th November.  Meet at 5.30 pm at the Puke Ariki Landing. http://can.org.nz/event/2009/11/13/fright-night-cycle-ride.
  • CAN's annual members' get-together will be held in New Plymouth on Saturday and Sunday 14 - 15 November.  This will be held at the Bellringer Pavillion in Pukekura Park.  The weekend will include CAN's AGM, workshops, training, rides, plenty of food and drink and a chance to catch up with fellow "CANners" from around New Zealand.  More information at: http://can.org.nz/event/2009/11/14/2009-can-do-november-14-15-new-plymouth
  • Have your say on New Zealand's road safety strategy to 2020.  The Ministry of Transport are preparing a road safety strategy called Safer Journeys to take us through to 2020, and they want to hear what you think about their ideas to improve road safety in New Zealand. 

    They have launched a discussion document that presents New Zealand's key road safety challenges and outlines 60 possible initiatives to address them. It is not the intention to introduce this many initiatives, but they want to have a public discussion which gathers together all possible interventions and considers which are the most important to adopt.

    This is why they want to hear your ideas and to have a debate about which ones they should focus on.  Look to the CAN website for its take on what are the high priority safety measures and resources for making your submission, look for: Safer Journeys; road safety strategy; 2020.  Check out http://can.org.nz/article/can-guide-to-making-a-safer-journeys-submission-due-2-oct-2009

You can read more from the MoT and put in an online submission at:  http://www.transport.govt.nz/saferjourneys/

  • BikeNZ has started a 1.5 metre campaign.  This involves completing an online petition that will be used as part of BikeNZ's submission to the MoT's Road Safety Strategy to 2020.  This petition is drafted firmly from the individual commuter cyclist point of view and it has been worded strongly.  It has caused some controversy as to its use of a sense how dangerous cycling is and this can be seen as being counterproductive to cycling promotion.  Some would have preferred BikeNZ to focus on courtesy or consideration or highlight how vulnerable cyclists are to the mistakes of other road users.  Read for yourself and complete the petition if you agree before Friday 2nd October. http://www.ridestrong.org.nz/RS/blogs/about_ridestrong/pages/1-5m-for-1-5m.aspx

NTCA activities in 2009:

We have been involved with the following issues and organisations (updated with the latest information):

NZ Transport Authority (NZTA):

  • Mangorei Road/Northgate intersection modifications.  Advance stop boxes have been added to either side of Mangorei Rd at the lights; yet to be painted green.  A "Hook" turn is recommended for those coming out of town and wanting go south on Mangorei Rd. 
  • Modifications to the Waiwhakaiho River Bridge footpaths to enable their use as shared pathways for both pedestrians and cyclists.  The modifications are nearly complete with barriers on the inside of the shared paths either side of the bridge.  The ramps etc off and onto the road either side are being constructed.  Signage to share the path with care to be erected.
  • The separated cycle path up the Mangaone Hill on SH3 just past Vickers Road. Resolved but needs a check on how the construction work finished up.
  • Coronation Avenue/SH3 southern entrance to New Plymouth pinch point just inside the 50 km zone. Not yet resolved but on the NZTA radar as an issue.
  • Following up on the Devon Street West (SH45) audit. No response as yet from NZTA.  To be followed up with NZTA in Wanganui.
  • Removal of the No Cycling signs on the old motorway south of New Plymouth. Not resolved.

New Plymouth District Council (NPDC):

  • Met monthly with the NPDC Cycling Strategy Implementation team to discuss progress on implementing their cycle strategy and other cycling related issues.
  • Assisted with running events during the "Wild West Bike Fest" in February as part of BikeWise Month; Mayoral Challenge, Wild West Street Party, Go-By-Bike Day breakfast and the Critical Mass.
  • Submitted and spoke to our submission in June on the Long Term Council Community Plan 2009-2019.
  • $1.35 Million dollars set aside for Cycle Strategy Implementation in the approved District Plan for the years 2010 onwards at $150,000 per year.
  • Following up on the Devon St West and Mangorei Road audits regarding the network under the NPDC control.
  • Encouraging trials of green cycle lane markings on Wallace Place, Mangorei Rd and Tukapa Street.
  • Supported the World Car Free Day event in the centre of town on Devon Street, 22nd September. 

Taranaki Regional Council:

  • NTCA have been invited to be part of a regioanl cycleways group looking at opportunities within Taranaki to be part of the NZ Cycleways Project announced by the current Govt.  These are to be held at the Taranaki Regional Council regularly and the next one is to be on October 16th.
  • NTCA have prepared a submission on a discussion paper re the Regional Land Transport Strategy for Taranaki.  An update to the 2006 strategy is being prepared by the TRC for a public draft issue in April 2010. The discussion paper is a chance to have an early input into the draft update. 
  • The final Regional Land Transport Programme for Taranaki 2009/10 - 2011/12 (RLTP) is now publicly available from the Taranaki Regional Council. The RLTP was prepared, and consulted on, by Taranaki's Regional Transport Committee and approved by the Taranaki Regional Council on 30 June 2009.  A submission on the draft RLTP was made by one of NTCA's members.

The Regional Land Transport Programme 2009/2012 sets out proposed land transport activities for the Taranaki region for which the New Zealand Transport Agency and approved organisations (such as the three territorial authorities and the Taranaki Regional Council) are seeking national funding. The programme also includes a 10-year financial forecast of expenditure. http://www.trc.govt.nz/publications/publications/transport.htm


Other Activities:

  • NTCA monthly meetings.
  • Had a stall at the Sustainable Living Fair at Spotswood College in March.
  • Participating in the planning for the NZ Cycling Conference and the CAN Do.

We meet from February to December on the first Wednesday of the month at 5.30 pm, usually in the Shell Todd Oil Services cafeteria, Ground Floor, Devon St West. Those interested in everyday cycling issues are welcome to come along and participate.

Kind regards from
North Taranaki Cycling Advocate’s committee


Document Type: 


Happy New Year to all,
The NTCA committee would like to give you an update on what they were doing as far as cycling advocacy in 2008 and what they see are the upcoming challenges for 2009:

We have been involved with the following issues and organisations:

NZ Transport Authority (NZTA):
• Mangorei Road/Northgate intersection modifications. Still an ongoing issue not yet resolved.
• Modifications to the Waiwhakaiho River Bridge footpaths to enable their use as shared pathways for both pedestrians and cyclists. NZTA consultant is preparing a contract for the work and $150,000 funding has been set aside this year for the construction aspect.
• The separated cycle path up the Mangaone Hill on SH3 just past Vickers Road. Resolved but watch to be kept on how the construction work proceeds.
• Coronation Avenue/SH3 southern entrance to New Plymouth pinch point just inside the 50 km zone. Not resolved.
• Following up on the Devon Street West (SH45) audit. Not resolved.
• Removal of No Cycling signs on the old motorway south of New Plymouth. Not resolved.

New Plymouth District Council (NPDC):
• Meeting monthly with the NPDC Cycling Strategy Implementation team to discuss progress on implementing their cycle strategy and other cycling related issues.
• Reviewed and submitted on the New Plymouth District Strategic Transport Study. Spoke to the Policy Committee in support of our submission.
• Assisted the NPDC Events team at the Go By Bike Day in February.
• Following up on the Devon St West and Mangorei Road audits.
• Facilitating a trial of green cycle lane markings on Tukapa Street.
• Reviewed their Draft Cycle Network Infrastructure Upgrade document.
• Undertook a watching brief on how NPDC are responding to the barriers to cycling to school reported by St John Bosco School's pupils.
• Review of proposed signalling changes to the Smart Road/Devon Road intersection.
• Submitted in support of the NPDC Roading Asset team’s proposal to restrict parking in Lower Carrington St to the Monitoring Committee and spoke in support of this.
• Assisted in preparing the submission to CAN for having the 2009 Cycling Conference held in New Plymouth.
• Participated in the planning for 2009’s Bike Wise Month.

This work has been generally a mixture of dealing with the NPDC Cycle Strategy Implementation Team, NPDC Roading Assets staff, Health Promotion Unit staff from the Taranaki District Health Board, New Plymouth injury Safe (NPiS) personnel and NZ Transport Authority staff in Wanganui (as some of these issues are on state highways).

Other Activities:
• Had a stall at the Sustainable Living Fair at Inglewood High School in April.
• Critical Mass rides on the last Friday of the month were promoted and supported from September onwards.
• Some members attended a Fundamentals of Planning and Design for Cycling course in November here in New Plymouth.
• Some members attended a Cycle Skills Trainer training workshop in Wellington during December.

The major challenges for 2009 will be to:

• To close out as many of the current issues listed above.
• To ensure money is set aside in the NPDC’s 2009 updated Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) for the cycling infrastructure modifications called for in their Cycle Network Infrastructure Upgrade report.
• To try and get NZTA in Wanganui to be progress more quickly cycling issues on the state highways within the New Plymouth District.
• To review with the Taranaki Regional Council on the progress in the implementation of their Walkways and Cycleways Strategy.
• Assisting with the NZ Cycling Conference in November.
• Assisting with the annual Cycling Advocates Network’s get together in November following the Cycling Conference.

What else is there?

• Bike Wise Month in February.
• Meeting regularly with the NPDC.
• Sustainable Living Fair in March.
• Critical Mass rides at the end of each month.

We meet from February to December on the first Wednesday of the month at 5.30 pm, usually in the Plant & Platform Conference Room, Level 5, Atkinson Building, Devon St West. Those interested in everyday cycling issues are welcome to come along and participate.

Kind regards from
North Taranaki Cycling Advocate’s committee