CAN-Do 2014 Whanganui programme

CAN-Do 2014 schedule 

Dates: Friday 4 to Sunday 6 April 2014

Venue: Quaker Event Centre, Whanganui

Conference theme: The role of cycling in community building

Programme for Friday:

5.00pm: registration opens at Quaker venue

7-9pm: informal evening meal (in town or at venue)


Programme for Saturday:

8.30am: Registration desk opens

9.15am: Conference opening (John Maihi, mihi; Wanganui Mayor Annette Main); housekeeping (Lyneke Onderwater)

9.50am: Keynote speaker (Carl Whittleston, New Plymouth Model Communities Project Leader)

10.25am: Nelson Lebo, founder of Whanganui ECO-School

10.45am: Morning tea

11.15am: Panel discussion (using questions gathered up during the Morning Tea)

11.45am: Effective local advocacy: Patrick Morgan on The Love Cycling campaign (Wellington) & its role a cycle-friendly council elected; Garnering local mass support (12noon; Dunedin; Spokes Dunedin by skype)

12.15pm: CAN strategy 2013-2016 (David Hawke/Don Babe)

12.30pm: Bike ride to Virginia Lake with picnic lunch

2.00pm: Spokesperson from each major political party (10 min each + 15 min of prepared questions) People are: Chester Borrows (Associate Minister of Social Development & MP for Whanganui), Julie-Anne Genter (Greens), Hamish McDouall (Labour)

3.00pm: Local group presentations (5 min each, highlighting local issues/challenges/achievements)

3.30pm: afternoon tea

3.50pm: where next - implementation of 2013-2016 strategy by local groups & by CAN (workshop; Patrick Morgan)

5.00pm: end of formal business for the day

6.30pm: simple shared evening meal with the community (at venue) - local historian Kyle Dalton as speaker (TBC)


Programme for Sunday:

9.20am: Sum up from yesterday (CAN chair)

9.30am: The Road Safety Trust project - "how this could help your local community" (JNW)

10.00am  Are local groups getting the support they need? (CAN Chair)

10.30am: Morning tea

10.45am: AGM

12.00 noon: lunch; conference closure (CAN chair); post clean-up bike ride for anyone interested