Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Present: Alan, Joanne, Graeme, Stuart
1. Reviewed activities and unfinished business for 2008 so Graeme can update website and report to CAN. Marion Webby never replied to Joanne's email and Joanne agreed to re-contact her.
¨ Patrick Morgan, the CAN coordinator, will attend our Nov. meeting.
¨ Graeme will attend the Fundamentals of Planning and Design workshop on Nov 6th.
¨ Graeme reported on the 4 Sunday rides to obtain NTCA feedback for NPDC's proposed cycle network upgrade. Attendance on first ride was 9, on 2nd 4, on 3rd 2 and on 4th only 1.
¨ Critical Mass ride last Friday was discussed and overall response was favourable, except for situation where children at the front decided the route. Joanne will provide formal feedback to Janeen Page, who did most of the organising. Stuart will place a notice in the Midweek Briefing for the Oct 31st ride.
¨ Appointment of Nathaniel Benefield as the NPDC Sustainable Transport Coordinator. He is currently working with the schools on route planning for cycling to school. Alan will explore getting help with STOS with this as they have a relationship with the schools.
2. Graeme, Alan and Joanne gave feedback from the NPDC Sustainable Transport Meeting on Mon. Sept 29th. NPDC reported that NZTA had signed the contract for construction of guard rails and ramps on the Waiwhakaiho Bridge. Also that NZTA looking at underpass for cyclists leaving New Plymouth to cross Northgate in order to use the shared pathway. Path from the shared pathway bridge to Bell Block has not been funded yet. NTCA agreed to raise question at next CSIT meeting of lighting and security for the shared pathway to Bell Block as this is quite a desolate area. Graeme will approach Nathaniel to set a date for the next CSIT meeting.
3. Sustainable Living Fair - date for 2009 is March 7th on Taranaki Anniversary Day weekend. Agreed we should try to have a stall again and Graeme will approach CAN about helping us pay for it. Discussed approaching Cycle Inn for free gear to give away and encouraging people to bring their cycles to the Fair for simple bike repair.
4. Discussed e-day on Oct. 4th. There has been fairly good response to our mass email and NTCA will be well represented.
5. Next meeting Wed Nov 5th 5.20