Minutes from NTCA's October Meeting


October 7 2009

Chair:  Graeme

Notetaker:  Graeme

Present:  Graeme, Joanne, Gaye, Rowan, Alan.

Apologies:  Stuart, Nathaniel.

1. Submissions:

Regional Land Transport Strategy for Taranaki sent into the Taranaki Regional Council.

Safer Journeys sent into the Ministry of Transport.

2. NTCA/CSIT Sept 2009 meeting. Ross McCoy from NZTA Wanganui was present along with Nathaniel and Carl Whittleston from NPDC.

Reviewed progress on items of concern:

  • Coronation Av/Junction Road intersection - no funds available for the intersection but $10K will be available to move back the projecting kerb on west side of SH3 at entrance plus move the signs. This should get rid of the pinch point for riders coming into town.
  • Next meeting of the Taranaki Cycleways group to meet at the TRC 16th October.
  • Waiwhakaiho River (traffic) Bridge work finished. NTCA to send letter to NZTA to acknowledge effort. Going out of town not as satisfactory as could be.
  • Mangorei Road/Northgate intersection. Advance stop boxes still to be painted. The green paint proposed to be checked with Ross before going ahead with applications.
  • The cycle infrastructure upgrades on state highways in the New Plymouth District got submitted into the National Land Transport Programme. Did not make it into the approved programme for Taranaki for the years 2010 to 2012. Funding then will be difficult for any of the improvements outlined in the Cycle Infrastructure Upgrade that are on state highways.
  • The $150K per year from 2010 onwards set aside in the recent NPDC LTCCP is under threat from an internal Service Review that is being driven by cost reduction drives within the council.
  • The Devon Street West audit upgrades also didn't make into the Road Programme so no funding available. The school zone area remains a problem, Nathaniel to try to reconvene the school based group.
  • NTCA to write to the NPDC to get exit from Huatoki Walkway onto Glenpark Avenue more cycle friendly.

3. CAN weekend 14th & 15th November:

Around 40 have registered so far, most from the North Island.

Friday night ride to be organised by NTCA, to end up at the Board Riders club rooms at Fitzroy where BBQ to be undertaken (All).  Joanne may be on holiday.

Need to contact Nigel re getting additional bbq for the evening from FEGL (Alan). 

Jan Stewart to prepare the salads and vegetarian BBQ stuff.  NTCA need to contact her and invite to next month's meeting (Graeme).

Saturday lunchtime ride with picnic lunch to be thought about (All).

Saturday evening social gathering at the Fernery for drinks and nibbles then supper back at the Back Packers if OK with that or if not back at the Bell Ringer Pavilion.

Rowan OK with the role of being a general helper for the weekend. 

4. Graeme reported on the Coastal Pathway extension to Bell Block meeting held at the NPDC. Tabled the concept plan given out at the meeting. Colour scan to be put up on the website.

5. Glass on the road and pathways still a major issue. Rowan to discuss with Nathaniel how a local campaign could be run.

6. World Car Free Day was fun, Rowan featured in the paper.

7. Next meeting 4th November.


PDF icon Coastal Pathway Extension Concept Plan.pdf2.43 MB


I have attached a PDF version of the plan as presented at the NPDC meeting as well as putting an image file into the Image Gallery.