It's all go


Right, this should be up and running. 9 members of Squeaky Wheel belong to the core group and have thus the ability to create content on this website. Other subscribers are Fiona Whero and Axel Wilke from Christchurch in an administrative role.

You can create articles, calendar events, newsletters etc. I have posted some simple instructions for this. Have a snoopy around these pages and enjoy.

Kind regards,

Axel Wilke


have put in a works request using the TDC website for the cleanup of glass on the walkway/cycleway on the opihi river bridge to see if it is actioned.will keep you posted on the results. cheers wally

*get to the point*
Well done Wally. By the way your Marston Road concern was discussed at the Fundamentals of Design for Cycling course (Simon Davenport was showing some photos of work undertaken)and both the problem and the solution seemed obvious - ie to use the footpath at the bend. Be interesting to see if it is changed sometime in the future!