Since 2008, Hikurangi, alongside many other organisations and individuals, has been working for a national network of cycleways. We are convinced of the benefits it can bring to the people, environment and economy of New Zealand. We were excited when the Government announced investment in developing cycleways around the country, but there is still so much more to be done to realise the true potential of a national network.
Sustained support is needed to ensure the national network can grow and thrive. Communities need help to get behind their local cycleway and promote and use it; innovative ways are needed to fund and sustain the building and maintenance of new cycleways; locals need entrepreneurial skills to create jobs and great designs; and ideas for new facilities need seeding and incubating.
Our Answer: new independent action for cycleways
With the support of the participants and sponsors of Tour of New Zealand, Hikurangi is launching a new independent action programme to create and sustain the cycle network for New Zealand.
The programme will support and develop partnerships and projects that get:
more cycleways built and linked
a long term vision for a network and a strategy to sustain it
more local communities taking part in and benefiting from the development of their local cycleways and the national network.
The Hikurangi Foundation will work alongside and complement others who share the vision of a complete and sustainable national cycle network; like organisations and individuals, national and local government, and other businesses. We will work to sustain the programme over time - we have already proven that even a little can go a long way. Further and final details about the programme are being developed at the moment.
Join us, love us, inform us
If you're thinking of registering for Tour of New Zealand, select us as your preferred recipient charity and join us on our mission to develop amazing national cycleways, together let's build cycling and all its benefits into New Zealand's future. We're also keen to hear what you want for your local cycleway, and your country. Check out our Facebook page (coming soon) to share your hopes and vision for national cycleways (or if you just can't wait - contact us now). And please sign up to our newsletter for updates on our latest actions, our cool partners, the work we're doing together for a thriving New Zealand, and how you can get involved.