Christchurch Earthquake

Christchurch Earthquake

The events of February have certainly turned the world upside down for many of us. I would like to extend my hope that you are all safe and well and coping with the circumstances you find yourself in at present. If you have suffered a loss, be it of a loved one, relation, friend or collegue please accept the heart felt sympathy of all of us at SPOKES. Likewise if your home, business or place of work or study has suffered loss or damage know our thoughts are with you.

It is sad to see so much of the city in ruins and infastructure so badly damaged. This includes cycling facilities that many of us have fought so hard for over the years. With everything that has happened our focus at present must be on people and supporting each other. People must also be our focus in the future as the rebuilding of Christchurch begins. I believe we must strongly advocate for a city that is safe and provides a livable, people focused community.

Keep safe and well, be strong, mourn your losses but also dream of how we can rebuild our city to be a better place.

Best wishes to you all.

Keith Turner (Chairperson SPOKES)