What is Reshaping Streets?
The Minister of Transport is proposing a set of regulatory changes to make it easier for councils to make street changes that support public transport, active travel and placemaking. These proposals would enable local authorities to make street changes more efficiently and provide new ways for communities to be involved in changes that affect them.
The proposed regulatory changes include:
• a new ‘Street Layouts’ land transport rule for Councils to use for changing street layouts, piloting street changes, restricting vehicles, establishing Community Streets and School Streets, and for deciding on other street changes
• amending sections in the Local Government Act 1974 (LGA1974) covering pedestrian malls, transport shelters (like bus shelters), and temporary road closures
• changes to other rules and regulations so that local authorities can reduce speed limits as part of pilots, trial Traffic Control Devices (TCDs) more effectively, and to make legislation more accessible.
Why does this matter?
We deserve nice streets. Cities are grappling with urgent problems, like congestion, unsafe streets, and dangerous carbon emissions. Councils lack the tools to do the job. Reshaping Streets provides some of those tools, by making it easier to redesign streets that are safe, attractive, and that support more cycling and walking.
Reshaping Streets will enable Councils to rapidly trial new street layouts that make streets safer and more attractive.
We've been waiting far too long for our Council to build bike lanes and better public spaces. Good on Transport Minister Michael Wood for stripping away the red tape holding us back.
Please have your say
1. Co to https://www.nzta.govt.nz/about-us/consultations/reshaping-streets-consultation/
2. Fill out the survey at https://consult.transport.govt.nz/policy/reshaping-streets-regulatory-changes/
We've suggetsed some responses below.
Or use Bike Auckland's submission guide.
It’s due before midnight on Monday 19 September 2022.
Sample responses
Part Two: The proposed changes & Proposal 1
Proposal 1A. Provide RCAs with new powers and requirements to install pilots, and set requirements for how to install them
Strongly agree
Proposal 1B. Enable pilots to be used as a form of consultation, by using feedback collected during the pilot to consider whether to make street changes permanent
Strongly agree
Why/why not?
Allowing people to experience changes leads to richer and better-informed feedback.
Trials allow Councils to make changes faster to improve road safety, lower emissions, improve liveability, and support businesses.
Proposal 1C. Enable pilots to be installed for up to two years
Do you think this amount of time is:
Proposal 1D. Amend the LGA1974 to make it clear that RCAs should not use the provision for ‘experimental diversions’ when piloting street changes.
Proposal 1E. Allow RCAs to lower the speed limit to support a pilot, in areas with a posted speed limit under 60km/h, during the pilot.
Strongly agree
Proposal 1F. Update rules for trialling TCDs, so that RCAs can trial TCDs as part of pilots and choose how they notify people about TCD trials.
Strongly agree
Comment: It makes sense to make it easier to trial TCDs.