New Zealand Cycling Deaths
See also
- the map at
- NZTA crash statistics - these exclude off-road deaths
- NZTA crash analysis reports
- Ministry of Transport annual figures
- Coroners' reports
Over the past few years there's been an average of 9 deaths per year - down from 30 in the 1970s. This list includes deaths involving a cyclist only (e.g. lost control, hit object), but most were the result of a collision with a motor vehicle.
13 February, Alison Korny, Puruatanga Rd, Martinborough, NZ Herald report Stuff report
30 Jan, Emma-Jane Kupa, 11, Flaxmere, Hawkes Bay, NZ Herald report
28 Jan, Matt Howard, 19, Settlers Way, Ōkaihau. Stuff news report
14 Jan, unnamed person, Lake Dunstan Trail, Otago. Described as a medical incident.
2 Jan, John Michael Hickey, 69, State Highway 29 near Pond Road, Matamata RNZ news report , Stuff news report
23 December, Jack Gordon, 37, Calliope Rd, Stanley Point, Auckland, NZ Herald report
20 October, Bill Allen, 84, Seaton Rd, Portabello, Dunedin, news report 1 news report 2 news report 3
24 July, Joseph Kelly, 84, intersection of Neeve Rd and Church Rd, Napier, news report
6 July, Hiroto Shimura, 25, intersection of Plantation Road & State Highway 84, Wanaka, news report 1, news report 2
2 February, unnamed person, intersection of Falls Road and Mansel Drive in Warkworth, new sreport
22 January, unnamed person, Woodhill mountainbike park, Muriwai, Auckland, news report
2023 - 8 deaths recorded
21 October, Prof Kypros Kypri, 52, Mount Cargill Road in Waitati, Dunedin, news report 1, news report 2
31 July, Jorja-May Smith, 11, level crossing, Hewletts Rd, Mt Manganui, news report 1 news report 2
6 June, unnamed person, intersection of State Highway 57 and Polson Hill Drive, Aokautere, Palmerston North, news report 1,
14 May, unnamed person, SH23, Waikato, news report 1,
28 April, Bryan Edward Marris, 59, Hewletts Rd, Mt Manganui, news report 1 , news report 2
19 April, Andrew Gordon Milne, SH1, 1 km from Grovetown, near Blenheim, news report, news report 2
9 April, Mark David Gould, 64, Queenstown Bike Park, as a result of a medical event, news report
4 March, Peter Murphy, 58, Motatapu, Otago, news report
2022 - 17 deaths recorded
10 November, Cameron McKay, 56, Gover St, New Plymouth, news report 1
1 November, unnamed person, Halswell Junction Rd, Christchurch, possibly as a result of a medical event, news report 1
27 Sept, Sean William Russell Innes, 45, Linwood Avenue, Christchurch, news report 1
20 September, Brian Potter, aged 66, of Murray's Bay, at Dairy Flat highway, Auckland, news report 1, news report 2
17 September, David Lane, 69, of Remuera, at Stancombe Rd, Flat Bush, Auckland, news report 1
21 August, John Marsden, 60, of Christchurch, on Hereford St. News report 1
9 August, Valerie Simpson, Whangarei, obituary
27 June, Jessica Jacqueline Moser, 28, intersection of Tristram and London streets, Hamilton, news report 1
27 May, unknown cyclist, Parton Road, Pāpāmoa, news report 1
1 May, Geoffrey Buchanan, 57, Weber Rd Dannevirke, news report 1, news report 2, news report on sentencing of the driver
12 April, Rutene Waitoa, 54, Matawai Rd, Gisborne, news report 1, news report 2
11 April, Tom Clendon, 86, Richmond, Nelson. news report 1, news report 2
4 April, Melissa Desley Rays, 58, Marua Rd, Mt Wellington, Auckland, news report 1, news report 2
29 March, Suzanne Fraser, 47, SH45, South Road at Warea, South Taranaki, news report 1, news report 2
12 March, Gabrielle Bolt, 81, Halswell, Christchurch, news report , news report 2
5 March, Levi James, 19, Manukau Rd, Royal Oak, Auckland, news report, news report 2
13 January, unknown cyclist, Te Aroha, Waikato, news report 1, news report 2
2021 - 6 deaths recorded
22 November, Michael Barry, 29, near Wakefield, news report1, news report2, also see news report3
23 July, Willow Stone, 14, Gisborne, news report
21 May, Russell Ramsden, 75, intersection of Shands Rd and Halswell Junction, Christchurch, news report 1 news report 2
20 May, Michael Sheffield, 73, Stanley St, Auckland, NZ Herald report
9 March, Warrick Jones, 50, Lake Rd, Belmont, Auckland, news report, tribute
19 January, Hugo Shaw, 14 of Cambridge, at Sandhurst Drive, Tauranga, news report
2020 - 11 deaths recorded
24 December, Kirill Koninin, 17, skate park in Albany in North Auckland, news report (not in official stats as was not on the road)
23 December, Kana Hirose, 50, Great Taste Cycle Trail, south of Nelson, news report
11 November, Craig Petrie, 37, State Highway 73, Darfield, Canterbury, news report
26 September, Dr Bernard Michael Simmonds, 36, Sharlands Valley, Nelson, news report
17 September, Russell Phillip Frankum, aged in his 50s, Brougham St, Christchurch, news report
24 July, John Tooman, Great South Road near Allenby Park, Papatoetoe, Auckland, news report
3 July, Tim Hope, 76, Hamilton, news report
30 May, Christopher John Morris, 64, Hoon Hay Rd, Christchurch, news report
28 May, unnamed person, corner of Totara and Maui Streets in Mt Maunganui, news report
2 April, Clint Hoeben, 48, Oxford Rd, Fernside News report, news report
3 February, Brent Norriss, 65, SH2 near BP station between Wellington and Petone News report
2019 - 16
3 December, Jamie Jameson, 39, Don Buck Road, Massey, West Auckland News report
29 November, Jury Kehu Thompson, 59. The crash happened on August 28 on Prebensen Dr, Napier, news report
26 November, Krypton Matekulova, 30, Panmure, Auckland, news report
3 November, Peter Allen Jenkins, 54, SH1 Manakau, news report
30 October, Fyfa Campbell Dawson, 19, Springs Rd, Halswell, Christchurch news report
8 October, Tangiwai Lyola Cotter, 80, Marine Parade, Napier news report
27 September, Jonathan Michael Woollaston, 2, Pioneer Highway shared path, Palmerston North RNZ report
26 May, Geoffrey Arthur Burridge, 59, Auckland, news report
18 May, Hamish Peter Cameron Grant, 50, Christchurch, news report
30 April, David Liebenberg, 30, State Highway 27, Matamata news report
9 April, Dennis Malcom Hills, 66, SH2 Te Puke Highway, Bay of Plenty, news report
5 April, Elizabeth Ann Rigg, 65, Wakapuaka, SH6 near Nelson, news report
17 March, Margaret Joan Lilley, 71, of West Melton, at Mangapurua Track, news report (not in official stats as was not on the road)
4 February, John Douglas Roberts, 80, Kohimarama, Auckland, news report
29 January, Joshua Tuaivi Mou, 13, Railway Rd, Hastings news report
14 January, Max Rayney Kerrison, 69, from Ōhope news reportintermediate school student
2018 - 7
10 November, Antoni Robert Langtry, 52, from Feilding, at Rameka Valley, Golden Bay news report (not in official stats as was not on the road)
12 August, Jane Elizabeth Walsh, 37, Timaru (cycle-only crash)
3 August, unnamed man, 49, State Highway 2 in Maramarua, news report not clear if killed while riding or walking
7 July, Sohael Balochzadah, 14, Te Atatu, Auckland
27 May, Michael John Stewart, 42, Washdyke Flat Rd, near Timaru, news report, report on coroner's findings
18 May, Nathan Kraatskow, 15, Oteha Valley Rd offramp on Auckland's North Shore news report
10 January, Ted Tamai, 70, SH50A near Omahu Rd, Hastings news report
2017 - 19
7 December, John Bonner, 51, Te Atatu, Auckland news report
21 November, James (Jim) Redmond Whittle, 63, of Canada, at Haast Pass (cycle-only crash) news report
23 October, Gladys Irene Hanna, 81, Rangiora, news report
27 September, Emma Warren, 7, SH3, Inglewood, news report
27 September, 70 year old man, Mangawhai, news report, crash was on 20 Sept
24 September, John Roger Collett, 48, from Lower Hutt, on Western Lake Rd, Wairarapa, news report
23 September, Te Paina Herewini Tahitahi, 9, Houhora, Northland, news report
28 August, Desmond Young, 46, Featherston St, Palmerston North, news report
12 August, Bruce Hall (uni-cyclist), 53, Onehunga, NZ Herald report
8 July, Ronald Lindsay Sheppard, 66, Cashmere Rd, Christchurch News report(bike v bike crash)
3 July, Thunder Meshuck Heta, 22, SH1 north of Whangarei near Ruapekapeka Rd NZ Herald report
21 April, Benjamin Den Ouden, 30, Georges Drive, Napier, news report
6 April, Helmut Gromer, 54, Brookfields Rd, Pakowhai, Hawkes Bay, News report
5 April, Mike Leach, 67, Te Rapa Rd, Hamilton News report 2022: Roundabout markings contributed to fatal crash between cyclist and truck, coroner hears , NZ Herald story on Coroner's report (2023)
15 March, Mitsuaki Inagaki of Japan, 61, State Highway 8 (Tekapo-Twizel Rd) near the Mt Cook, News report Sentencing report
20 February, Thomas John Alton, 33, Huntsbury, Christchurch
7 February, John Mitchell Warren, about 60, Te Mata Peak, Hawkes Bay, news report (not in official stats as was not on the road)
20 January, Jason Duncan Houia, 42, SH35, Gisborne news report
7 January, Nick Calavrias, 67, near Taupo News report
2016 - 5
22 November, Carol Ann MacMillan, 71, Tauranga: News report
24 August, River Caldwell, 16, SH6 near Hokitika Stuff report
17 June, Phillip Eden, 60, of Ohoka. The crash was near the old Waimakariri Bridge, north of Christchurch. News report
6 April, Shinia Matehaere, 5, Matapihi Rd, Tauranga. News report (small child's cycle - classed as a wheeled pedestrian)
11 February, Richard Chandler, 52, Fendalton Rd, Christchurch (cycle-train crash) Stuff report
2015 - 7
28 November, Darrel Raniera Thomas, 50, Hagley Park, Christchurch Stuff report (not in official stats as was not on the road)
28 November, Bill Higgins, 76, Nelson, Stuff report
4 November, Ross Strange, 48, Hamilton, Stuff report
8 October, Richard Brent Caldwell, 59, Evans Pass Rd, Christchurch NZ Herald
30 September, Murray Anthony Reid, 75, intersection of SH2b and Meeanee Quay, Napier, NZ Herald (not in official stats as was pushing bike across the road)
19 March, David John Caldwell, 50, Universal Drive, Henderson, Auckland Stuff
13 January, Ronald George Martin, 77, was riding on SH6 near Gentle Annie Hill Nelson and appeared to collapse due to a heart attack (not counted in road toll)
2014 - 11
29 September, Ming Chih Hsieh, 33, corner of Carmen and Waterloo Rd, Hornby, Christchurch Stuff
23 September, Arthur Ross, 77, intersection of State Highway 2 and Johnston Street in Waihi Stuff
20 September, Nicole Sharp, 27, Brooklyn Rd, Wellington,
28 July, Thomas Patrick McCarthy, known as Colin, 52, Brooklyn Valley Rd, near Motueka, Police report Nelson Mail
7 July, Margaret Mary (Maggie) Pouw, 53, cnr SH26 and Matangi Rd, Hamilton NZ Herald
7 May, Andrew Clubley, 49, Whangarei BMX track at Pohe Island, NZ Herald (cycle-only crash)
6 April, Jocelyn Lee Goodwin, 51, Summerhill Drive, Palmerston North, Stuff
2 April, Sharla Phyllis Haerewa, 22, Lincoln Rd, Christchurch, The Press
27 January, Kenneth Keenan, Howick
18 January, William Bayliss, 54, Bay of Islands The Herald
7 January, John Tangiia, 37, Stanley Street, Auckland, The Herald.
2013 - 10
11 August, Ford Neil McGrath, 11, Westport Stuff report
16 July, Colin Alexander, 76, Hills Road, Christchurch, The Press.
3 July, Craig Goulsbro, 49, Puketaha Rd, Waikato Stuff
15 June, Alan Cecil Robieson, 65, Miramar, Wellington Stuff
28 March, Stephen John Kirkcaldie, 55, Temuka, The Press
27 March, Joanne Marjorie Drummond, 54, Aranui, Christchurch, The Press NZ Herald story
25 March, Carl Taylor, 31, Christchurch The Press story
16 March, Jane Farrelly, from Auckland, 50, on Poihipi Rd, Taupo Waikato Times story ODT NZ Herald
21 January, Paige Lagahetau, 13, Papakura, Auckland. Herald story (cycle-only crash)
5 January, Doug Mabey, 56, Ohariu Valley, Wellington
2012 - 12
12 December, Nevill Reginald Palmer, 93, Tamamutu St, Taupo
19 November, Dr Li Hong "Chris" He, 34, Cumberland St, Dunedin, NZ Herald report ODT, ODT2
12 Nov, Brian Benedict Flanagan, 71, SH6 Greymouth (cycle-only crash)
14 October, Lambros Theodosiou, 14, SH1, Moerewa, Northland State Highway
7 October, Francis Harold Pinson, 66, SH1, Ruakaka, Northland. NZ Herald report
21 July, Clifford Steven Tuhi-Thompson, 36, Weymouth Drive, Auckland
14 July, Zelius Venter, 14, Cannon's Point, Upper Hutt (not in official stats as off public road)
3 July, Dave Ernest Allanson, 65, Grenada, Wellington (cycle-only crash)
June, Dion Felton, 15 (cycle-only crash on BMX track) Stuff
29 May, James Robert Todd, 34, Victoria St, Hamilton (cycle-only crash)
3 March, Ian Grant Scott, 72, Brighton, Dunedin
8 January, David Peter Armstrong, 50, SH36, Pyes Pa, Western Bay of Plenty
2011 - 15
6 January, Ariana Inano Kokaua, aged 10, Papakowhai, near Porirua. (not in official stats as not on a road)
7 January, Rex Stewart Dalzell, 75, near Bunnythorpe, Manawatu
22 January, Ben Patrick Thomas Lawless, aged 22, Karori, Wellington
26 January, Graham Nigel Townley, 40, Leeston, Canterbury
12 February, Brennan Lee Sharp, 43, Port Hills, Christchurch (cycle-only crash)
9 March, Joshua Paul Bennie, 12, Taradale, Napier
12 April, Antony David Chapman, 48, Whitford-Maraetai Rd (cycle-only crash)
19 May, John William Mayer, 60, SH1, Spring Creek, Marlborough
30 May, Jack Eric Fergusson, 77, SH1 Belfast, Christchurch
1 June, Thomas William Briggs, 57, intersection of Wairere Drive and River Road, Hamilton
8 September, Diana Jane Perriton-Millward, 50, Gladstone St Wharf, Westport (cycle-only crash)
20 September, Donna Vivienne Guy, 61, St Johns Hill, Wanganui (cycle-pedestrian crash)
7 October, Melvin Sidney Longworth, 69, Hills Rd, Mairehau, Christchurch
6 Nov, Rutene Terea Cooper, 66, Awamate Road, around 15 kilometres west of Wairoa (cycle-only crash)
14 Nov, Peter James Wells, 55, Castle St outside Dunedin Railway Station
2010 - 13
5 January, Mia Susanne Pusch, 19, SH3 near Bulls
25 March, Johan Auton Edge, 34, Pakuranga Rd, Auckland
1 April, Douglas William Cater, 65, Glover Rd, St Heliers, Auckland (cycle-only crash)
3 April, Cathryn May Carr, 51, Old West Coast Rd, Yaldhurst, Canterbury
20 April, Kumiko Wakamiya Goodhall, 55, Matapihi Rd, Mt Maunganui (cycle-train crash)
15 May, Qin Long Tang, 82, Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland
26 May, Rochelle Margaret Roozen, 42, Christchurch
5 November 2010, Josephine Margaret Holmes, 54, Christchurch
13 November, Patricia Anne Veronica Fraser, 34, SH3 near Sanson
14 November, Mark Andrew Ferguson, 46, near Morrinsville
14 November, Wilhelm Muller, 71, near Morrinsville
14 November, Kay Wolfe, 45, near Morrinsville
17 November, Jane Mary Bishop, 27, Tamaki Drive, Auckland
2009 - 9
12 March, Stephan Stoermer, 38, SH2, Paengaroa, Western Bay of Plenty
17 March, David Edward John Hall, 29, Barr St, Dunedin (cycle-only crash)
20 March, Raukura Pryor, 7, SH46 near Turangi
29 May, Gerrit Bram Bergveld, 28, SH2, Tauranga
30 June, Alan Richard Kerr, 66, SH1. East Taieri, Dunedin
23 July, Matthew James Rhind, 19, Awatea Rd, Wigram, Christchurch
6 August, Jens Richardon, 34, Leeston Rd, Springston, Canterbury Sentencing
18 September, Francis (Frank) Johannes van Kampen, 46, SH1 Te Horo, Kapiti Coast
14 October, Ian Graham Robinson, 63, Peak Rd, Helensville, Auckland
2008 - 10
15 January, Arun Raghunath Sabnis, 71, Mt Smart Rd, Penrose, Auckland
30 January, Kathryn Jane Barnett, 49, SH1, Taupo
19 June, Desmond Leonard Eyre, 61, Silverstream, Upper Hutt
19 June, Steve Fitzgerald, 57, Petone, Wellington
3 August, Eunice Margaret Bain, 68, Awamoa Rd, Oamaru
11 August, Hayden Ivan Pope, 17, Liddel St, Invercargill
16 August, Frederick Joseph Ogle, 48, SH14 near Maungatapere, Northland
23 September, Lynley Marie Macdonald, 34, Pipiwai Rd, Ruatangata, Whangarei
19 October, Alice Swainson Baker, 24, SH8, Levels, South Canterbury
17 November, Noel Arthur Joseph Eade, 61, SH1, Invercargill
2007 - 12
2 February, Jared Martin Tungane Tearoa, 5, Bridge Lane, Tokoroa
5 February, John David McKay, 52, SH50A near Hastings
2 March, Gerrardus Sturkenboom, 74, SH27, Matamata
3 March, Hilary Evelyn Haward, 57, Spa Rd, Taupo
24 March, James Louis Forrest, 64, Featherston St, Palmerston North
24 April, Robin Thorin, 26, SH10, Mangonui, Northland
29 May, Shamrock Gerald Culshaw, 17, SH2, Wairoa
10 August, Antonio Auta, 74, Botanical Rd, Palmerston North
8 September, Graham Thomas Condon, 58, Lower Styx Rd, Spencerville, Christchurch
26 November, Zion Wayne McCreadie, 6, Wallacetown, Southland
5 December, Dick Martin Wiremu, 79, SH74, Casebrook, Christchurch
21 December, Joseph William Carnovale, 24, Norfolk Rd, Carterton