CAN’s People

  • Alex Dyer

    Alex is CAN’s Chair.

    He lives in Wellington / Poneke with his wife and three kids. While he is not a cyclist, he does mostly get around the city using a yellow Bullitt bakfiets cargobike and really enjoys riding for recreation when time allows.

    Alex is a current Co-Chair of Cycle Wellington, where he has been an active member for around 15 years. He is passionate about the potential for more and better biking conditions to reduce car dependency in Aotearoa.

    On Fridays in Wellington, you can join Alex at most Picnics In Parks, which he helps facilitate.

  • Christopher Dempsey

    Christopher is CAN’s secretary.

    He lives in Auckland / Tamaki Makaurau A long time cyclist, member of Bike Auckland (previously Cycle Action Auckland). Christopher supports Liberating the Lane, and regularly supports different cycling events. He sometimes works for Bike Auckland as a Bike Valet. He founded and supports Rainbow Riders Tamaki Makaurau, a collective of GLBTIQ cyclists and micro mobility people.

  • Gillian Ward

    Gillian is CAN’s treasurer.

    I am an advocate for walking and cycling here, with Tapuwae Tairāwhiti Trails Trust and Gisborne Canoe & Tramping Club. We are working with our local Council and others to develop more paths and trails and make the environment safer and more enjoyable for people walking and cycling (more broadly, active travel).

    Along with Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa we are developing a Tairāwhiti Tracks and Trails Strategy, and as a stepping stone towards this have launched a new website -, which will give up to date information about all tracks and trails in our region, and encourage people to be more active.

  • Robert McLachlan

    Robert is a Regional member, based in Palmerston North / Papaioea.

    Robert learnt to ride in Little Hagley Park, Christchurch.

    He once lived in Cambridge, UK, home to the highest cycling mode share in Britain (46%!) where he experienced every kind of cycle lane and cycleway ever invented. He's focused on the climate impacts of transport, which means phasing out the unsustainable modes (flying and fossil-fueled private cars) and ramping up the sustainable ones, especially walking and cycling.

  • Augusta van Wjik

    Augusta is the South Island Regional Member, based in Nelson.

  • Patrick Morgan

    Patrick is CAN’s Project Manager.

    Patrick says, "For twenty years at Cycling Action Network I have worked with our members, decision makers and the wider community to make New Zealand better for cycling. We've had some big wins (NZ Cycle Trails, and the Urban Cycleways Programme) but there are still too many headwinds. Recreational cycling is popular, but it would be a mistake to assume it is easy to make sport riders into transport riders.

    I am keen to lead the changes we need. We have built an organisation, run campaigns and conferences, won funding, and influenced elections. We're pretty good at understanding how news media work, and giving them what they need to tell better stories about cycling and city-building.

    My crazy dream is to fix climate change, improve health and make our streets work better. Together, we'll build a national movement that brings people together around better ways to live and move.