Local Groups

Your local group needs your skills & passion to get more people on bikes!

Contact the group closest to you, see what they're up to and where you could fit in.

Or, if you're thinking of starting up a new group in your area, contact CAN Staff for assistance.

In some other areas, although there isn't a formal group, there are often local contacts for cycling issues.

North Island groups

Bike Waikato

You can find out more about Bike Waikato at www.bikewaikato.org.nz and www.facebook.com/bikewaikato. Or email: melissa@bikewaikato.org.nz

Cycle Action Tauranga

Cycling advocacy co-ordinators/ contact holders for the Tauranga region.

More people on bikes, more often.
Find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064789476287

Rotorua Cycle Action

Rotorua is well established as one of the most exciting centres for MTB in New Zealand. It’s a great place for road cycling, BMX and for simply riding across town. Rotorua Cycle Action is a voice for all cyclists: recreational, competitive, commuter or tourist.

We want to create a safe environment for cyclists in Rotorua, and to promote the joy of the bicycle everywhere.

Bike Taupo

Please visit our website: http://biketaupo.org.nz

or on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bike-Taupo/109075082480595

Whanganui Bike Users Group (WBUG)

Follow us on Facebook.

Meetings are held every 1st Monday of the month (except January and public holidays) at The Villa Cafe, Liverpool St, at the back of New World 12-1pm.

Hutt Cycle Network

Check out our Facebook group.

Meetings held every few months.

Mana Cycle Group

We have a website and a Facebook Group.

Bike Northland

Bike Northland is the regional body for cycling in Northland, promoting all aspects of cycling - competition, commuting, touring and recreational, and providing a common voice for cycling across the Northland region.

For more information, visit the Bike Northland website: https://bikenorthland.co.nz/

Bike Hawkes Bay

Visit our main page at https://bikehawkesbay.org.nz

We want a safe environment for cyclists in Hawke’s Bay to grow the number of people using bicycles for daily transport and recreation.

Cycle Aware Manawatu

For more information visit facebook.com/cycleawaremanawatu
and http://www.bikemanawatu.co.nz/

Tapuwae Tairāwhiti Trails (Gisborne and East Coast)

Our website promote pathways, tracks and trails in Te Tairāwhiti - https://tairawhititrails.nz. Contact us through facebook or Instagram, or using email manager@tairawhititrails.nz.

Cycle Action Waiheke

If you wish to join Cycle Action Waiheke, please send us an email on cawaiheke@gmail.com with your name and contact details. Don’t forget to give us a follow on https://www.facebook.com/Cycleactionwaiheke

North Taranaki Cycling Advocates

Like us on Facebook

Kapiti Cycling Action

Lynn Sleath, tel 04-905-2230, valandlynn@outlook.com

Cycle Wellington

Go to Cycle Wellington's website.

Learn how to join, meetings, our online presence, and much much more!

Bike Newtown

Facebook page

Bike Auckland

Head to our website to find everything you need to know: https://www.bikeauckland.org.nz/

South Island Groups

Bicycle Nelson Bays

Our main site is here: https://bnb.org.nz

Bicycle Nelson Bays mission is to increase the numbers, activity and safety of cyclists in the Nelson region, with a particular focus on on- and off-road urban cycle routes.

Spokes Dunedin

Check out our main Spokes blog and Facebook page.

We hold regular monthly meetings in Dunedin. For the current venue, contact Spokes at spokesdunedin@gmail.com

Central Otago

Hi, you have found your way to the home page of the Central Otago cycling advocacy. We know we've got some CAN memebers in Central, but not got organised to call it a group or have meetings.

Spokes Canterbury

Spokes is www.spokes.org.nz. You will need to sign up separately to that website if you wish to contribute to it.

We also have a Facebook page: Facebook