Near miss action guide

Had a near miss on your bike?

Feeling steamed up?

Here’s a guide on what to do:

1. Take a deep breath. Write down what happened: time, location, rego of any vehicles involved, details of any witnesses.

2. File a Police roadwatch report here. Police write to the owner of the vehicle. You need rego, time, place, description of vehicle (make and colour if possible).

3. If you want charges laid, visit a Police station and lay a complaint.

4. If a commercial vehicle was involved, call/email/write to the company, asking for a response.

5. Call your City Council, ask for the road safety coordinator. Describe the problem and ask them to take action. If that gets nowhere, call your city councillor. Keep a record of your efforts.

6. Join CAN and get in touch with your local group of bike advocates. Emphasize it's a safety issue and you are more likely to get a response. See, be seen, communicate. To avoid crashes, it helps if you don't ride like a maniac. Look where you are going, use clear hand signals, and lots of eye contact. Give yourself plenty of time to make your trip so you are not running late.Take a cycle skills course.