Bike Ready - NZ Cycle Skills Training

CAN’s vision:

To have cycle skills training available to every New Zealander who wants to ride confidently and safely on our roads

Bike Ready

Bike Ready is NZTA's brand for cycle skills training. The programme follows New Zealand's cycle skills guidelines, which are based on the UK's Bikeability cycling skills courses

What is Cycle Skills Training?

Whatever your age, ability or background, cycle skills training offers something for everyone – whether you cannot ride a bike at all, are returning to cycling after a break or are a regular cyclist who wants to develop their skills further.

Training works!

An evaluation of the Christchurch City Council’s Cycle Safe Programme showed that trained students were significantly more likely to ride their cycles to school after completing training. Cyclists trained by Cycle Training UK were surveyed on how the training had affected their cycle use. 81% said that they now cycled more often and more confidently.

Cyclist skills training - New Zealand guidelines

Complete beginner

In summary, the trainee should be able to do the following core skills consistently as a prerequisite to grade 1:
• get on and off the bike without help
• start off and pedal without help for roughly one minute or more
• stop without help
• steer the bike to where they want to go.

Grade 1: beginner

The trainee cyclist can demonstrate full control of their bicycle while carrying out all-round observation, signalling and manoeuvring. They will not yet have been observed using these skills on the road and in traffic.

• 3 hours in total
• Non-traffic environment (eg playground, netball court)
• Trainee to instructor maximum ratio of 30 to 1 (theory) and 15 to 1 (practical)
• Cycle skills exercises to promote confidence and safe bike handling
• 8+ years old (year 4)
• Equipment needed: at least 20 cones, whiteboard, clipboard, flash cards (where available), basic toolkit and bike pump, first aid kit.

Core skills for grade1
The trainee should be able to do the following core skills consistently for grade 1:
• Carry out a bike check
• Carry out a helmet check
• Understand the legal requirements and safety equipment for bicycles
• Get on and off the bike without help
• Start off and pedal without help
• Stop quickly and with control
• Steer the bike where they want to go
• Look behind
• Signal – stop, left and right
• Using the gears.

Grade 2: skills to ride in traffic

The trainee cyclist can safely perform manoeuvres and turns in a variety of traffic environments.
They will be able to choose options to deal with minor hazards and demonstrate this in practice.
They will show good understanding of traffic awareness and road positioning in these traffic environments.

• 7–8 hours in total (30 minutes theory and 6 hours on-road)
• Trainee to instructor maximum ratio of 30 to 1 (theory) and 6 to 1 (practical)
• Cycle skills sufficiently developed to deal with a variety of traffic situations
• 10+ years old (year 6)
• Equipment required – whiteboard, safety vests, clipboard, flash cards, basic toolkit and bike pump, first aid kit, mobile phone

Core skills for grade 2
The trainee should be able to demonstrate the following core skills consistently for grade 2:
• Achieve all grade 1 core skills
• Recall an understanding of road signs and the road rules
• Start from side of road (kerb)
• Stop on side of road (kerb)
• Ride along the road
• Pass a parked or slower moving vehicle
• Turn left – at a controlled and uncontrolled intersection
• Turn right – at a controlled and uncontrolled intersection
• Travelling straight through controlled and uncontrolled intersections.

Grade 3: skills to ride in advanced traffic situations

The trainee cyclist understands and can demonstrate a full range of skills to cycle safely and confidently in all traffic environments.

• 2 (minimum) - 8 hours, depending on requirements.
• Trainee to instructor ratio 3 to 1 (maximum), recommended 2 to 1
• Training takes place in more challenging traffic environments, such as heavier traffic, higher speeds and multi-lane intersections
• 12+ years old (Year 8)
• Equipment needed – safety vests, clipboard, flash cards

Core skills for grade 3
The trainee should be able to demonstrate the following core skills consistently for grade 3:
• All of the grade 2 core skills
• Roundabouts (multi-lane)
• Traffic-signal controlled intersections
• Multi-laned roads – turning into and out of
• Overtaking to the start of the queue
• Recognising hazards and being an assertive, safe and confident cyclist
• Rural cycling in high-speed traffic environments.