Media Releases

Cycling advocates to bus regulators and operators on bike ban: “Sort it out”

Cycling advocates want bus operators to check bike rack compliance as soon as possible, after NZTA issued an industry alert banning bike racks on busses.

Bike racks on buses are a valuable service, used by people throughout New Zealand for many reasons, said Patrick Morgan from Cycling Action Network

“They expand the number of people who can use buses, and provide a back up to get people home.”

Safety advocates appalled by harmful speed advice from NZTA

Safety advocates appalled by harmful speed advice from NZTA
Road safety advocates are shocked at new advice from NZTA for people to drive at unsafe speeds.

Mourning the future fallen

CAN has released a joint statement with Bike Auckland about our Mourning the future fallen ceremonies held today to acknowledge and pay our respects the extra lives that will be lost due to increasing speed limits around the country.

Up is down, birds aren’t real and driving fast is good

Raising speed limits under the government’s new proposals will cost lives and should be strongly rejected by communities around the country, says Cycling Action Network.

Cycling Action Network campaigns to enable families to be able cycle safely around their own neighbourhoods safely, including kids being able to ride safely to school and back. 

Government tunnel plans guarantee traffic jams for Wellington

The Government's transport plans for Wellington are a hodgepodge of failed ideas from the 1960s, say cycling advocates. 

"Everyone, except the Government, knows you simply can't build your way out of congestion," says Patrick Morgan. 

"Extra car tunnels would attract more traffic, jamming up Wellington streets, adding pollution and danger.”

Cycling advocates reject Government's transport plans

Cycling advocates are deeply concerned about the Government's draft transport plans, released today.

"Instead of getting New Zealand back on track, they are taking us on a road to nowhere," said Cycling Action Network spokesman, Patrick Morgan.

Government must do more to protect school children from traffic danger, say cycling advocates

Government must do more to protect school children from traffic danger, say cycling advocates
As children head back to school next week, cycling advocates are calling on the Government to protect them from traffic danger.