reduced speed limits

WCC calling for submissions on lowering the speed limits in Oriental Bay, Miramar

WCC is calling for submissions on lowering the speed limits in Oriental Bay, Northern Miramar Peninsula, and Miramar, Seatoun and Strathmore Park Parking Areas - due 1 April.  CAW should make a submission: volunteers?

We have previous submissions that can be reworked.

No more excuses - 5km over limit is now too fast

Speeding motorists used to driving 10kmh over the maximum speed limit will not get away with it this weekend, as police trial a zero tolerance policy to cut road deaths.

Police say New Zealand's 10 per cent tolerance zone is higher than other countries, and cutting it could help change the attitudes of motorists who claim lives.

From tomorrow, extra police will be out in force for Queen's Birthday Weekend and, for the first time, motorists found to be more than 4kmh over the open road speed limit will be ticketed.