CAN's Technical Panel

CAN's Technical Panel


Got a technical or research question about biking for transport, cycling regulations, bike lanes or something similar? CAN's panel of experts might be able to help


Email our project manager Patrick Morgan or phone on 027 563 4733 and he'll let you know if one of our experts can answer your query on CAN's behalf.

As a voluntary service, we've limits on what we can offer (see below) but if we can't help directly, we're sure to know other good sources of info.

Thanks and enjoy your biking!



Disclaimer- This advice is provided for guidance only and strictly on the understanding that NEITHER Cycling Action Network Incorporated NOR its members, volunteers, employees or agents will have liability of ANY nature as a result of any reliance by any person or organisation on this advice. Every person referring to or relying on this advice must satisfy themselves that it is appropriate to, and accurate for, any use to which it is put.

Info for CAN volunteers here.




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Thank you for this info! I'll save this for future reference.

I'm glad that you found the advice helpful. Please keep in mind that it's important for each person to assess whether it's suitable and correct for their specific use.


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