Submission on proposal to restore Rimutaka Railway

Submission on proposal to restore Rimutaka Railway

Attached is CAW's submission on the proposal to rebuild the Rimutaka Railway.

This submission updates our submission to the GWRC Social and Cultural Wellbeing
Committee 23 November 2011.

We conclude that the proposed walkway does not offer a credible replacement for
the existing rail trail. Reinstatement of the railway would change the experience of
cycling the route completely, and is likely to make it impractical for beginners and
cycletourists, if not all cyclists.

Document Type: 
Groups audience: 
PDF icon RimutakaRailSubm20120130.pdf345.45 KB


The GWRC meeting was due to debate this application on 15 Feb. The Council report recommended declining the application. I've just been advised that the Trust has withdrawn its application.