CAW minutes October 2011

CAW minutes October 2011

Present: Claire Pascoe (chair), Isobel Cairns, Brian Wolfman, Paul Bruce, Eleanor Meecham, Liz Thomas, Martin Hanley, James Burgess, Simon Kennett, Mark Coburn, Anna Kemble Welch, Tom Halliburton, Ian Bennett, Alastair Smith (minutes)

Review of September minutes

Claire met with Paul Barker of WCC. Big plans for Aotea Quay route. However Paul Bruce says he brought up the proposed route at the Centreport AGM and was told that Centreport can't spare land required.

WCC is working with Martin Hanley to progress the Island Bay - Te Papa "BikePass" (see below).

Design plans for high class route from Island Bay - CBD (presentation from Martin Hanley - VUW)

Martin described a proposed route that he and students have been working on, from Island Bay Beach to Te Papa: the "BikePass". Aim is for a cycleway for 7 to 77 year olds, protected from high speed traffic, with feeder routes to/from schools, universities.
Could link with park precinct of Option X. Uses off road routes, e.g. through Berhampore Golf course, plus streets, e.g. Stoke St, Hanson St. Argues that Wellington motorists are used to negotiating two way traffic on one way streets (e.g. Devon St), so should be possible to reduce width on some streets to provide separated two way bicycle route, without significant loss of parking. Martin will be presenting at WCC meeting Thursday 6 October on Basin Reserve options. Meeting suggested a Google map of potential route to crowdsource comments.

Bus/rail interchange

Email from Bus company warning of dangers of bicycling through Bus Interchange. Discussion of alternatives for cycling. Simon says WCC have plans to upgrade the Featherston/Whitmore intersection by March 2012 (in order to comply with changes to the give way rule), which will make it easier for bicyclists to get from Featherston to Lambton Quay/Bowen St. It was also pointed out that Bunny Street is attractive to cyclists, but not entirely legal (lack of right turning lane from Featherston, Bunny St one way, need to traverse Bus Only lane to get from Lambton to Bunny). Suggested David Laing raises at next SASTRG meeting.

Regional Cycling Maps feedback

Simon Kennett showed draft versions of new GWRC bicycling maps. Will include chevrons for steep climbs, and information panels with advice on Wellington Cycling ("If you look like asphalt, you'll be treated like asphalt"). Please email Simon with any thoughts about the maps.

Nominations for Cycle Friendly Awards


  • Cycle friendly sump grates? Alastair will draft a nomination.
  • Island bay bikepass? Not yet implemented? But would be good publicity?


BECA's findings in Golden Mile Safety report - what's in there for CAW

BECA suggest bikes are explictly catered for in Golden Mile.

Go By Bike Day plans

GBBD is 1 Feb 2012
Claire will investigate funding. Bikewise is not funding breakfasts: instead will promote big bike fixups. GWRC would be able to provide funding says Simon.
Suggested that we have more interactive activities, e.g. set up a mock road environment under sails, demonstrate avoiding hazards such as car doors, etc.

60 second raves/news:


  • NZTA trialling headcam video of key routes, to put on Web with commentary.
  • Tom says GWRC is spending $200K on 28 park and ride carparks at Silverstream. He'll be using them rather than taking his bike, since bike parking is insecure. Why not spend money on bike lockers? Simon says he has been asking for bike cages, but progress is slow.
  • Paul Bruce says bikes on trains policy is due for review in March 2012.




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