
Spokes Dunedin Submissions on draft: DCC LTCCP, ORC LTCCP, ORLTP

Attached are the recent Spokes Dunedin Submissions on: draft DCC Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP), draft ORC LTCCP, & draft Otago Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP). Just so these are kept somewhere in case anyone needs to refer to them. Wondered about Phaedra sending a copy of the ORC LTCCP and ORLTP to ORC.

Presenting Submissions in Person

 Presenting Submissions in Person

  • Submissions may be to a Council meeting, special hearing panel, Community Board, or other agency Board meeting
  • Where the opportunity is available, always request in a written submission the opportunity to present your submission in person. You can always withdraw later if it is not critical
  • Don't assume your audience have read or can recall your written submission

Reasons for submitting in person
A number of strategic opportunities:

Numbers Game Submissions

  • A lot simpler than a "technical"/detailed submission
  • May be a simple email or reply post form with "I support/Don't Support"
  • Can be viewed with some importance by Politicians trying to gauge level of support (sometimes too much importance...)
  • Can be useful to encourage lots of members to submit simple submissions like this (provide them with email address, website, and feedback forms)
  • Staff reporting on numbers and comments varies around the place

"Numbers Game" Submissions

General Comments

Creating Effective Submissions

A general guide for Cyclists on submissions

  Creating Effective Submissions

  • Submissions are an important part of getting cycling needs heard
  • You don't have to be technical expert or brilliant word smith to be effective (but it helps for some specialist consultations)
  • It is more important to follow a few common rules and add your personal touch

Types of submissions