

CAW Meeting

Monthly Meeting, 7 July2009

Southern Cross

6 - 7:30pm


In attendance: Illona, Mark, Paul, Charlie, Craig, Niall, Stu, Janie, Willemijn, Patrick, David, Teresa, Julian, Christina, Bernard

Apologies: Alastair, Nicola


Charlie gave a brief on what 350 is: is an international movement on climate change. The number refers to the parts per...

July 9, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Work is yet to begin on the Government's $50 million national cycleway, but one tourist reckons he has found a good place to start.


July 9, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Wellington City Council would like your views on proposed changes to the city's Speed Limits Bylaw. It's due 7 August.

Julian agreed to put together a CAW submission.

And you can make your own too - here's some info for your submission. Feel free to copy and paste.

Lower speeds benefit all urban road users

Motor vehicle speed is a leading cause of traffic crashes and fatalities in New Zealand. It has been shown that excessive speed was a leading factor contributing to road crashes, accounting for 34% of...

July 8, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Wellington cyclists are applauding the Wellington City Council's decision to invest nearly $5 million in cycling and walking.

Wellington City Council’s new 10-year plan includes $4,750,000 to invest in a cycling and walking network, including the proposed Great Harbour Way.

Cycle Aware Wellington chairperson Illona Keenan says it is a responsible decision by the Council.

“As the price of petrol creeps up more people are looking to reduce their dependence on driving.”...

July 8, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Ever find your favourite cycleway dug up by road works, and have to take a detour? Here's how it's done in the Netherlands:

Simple, just take a general traffic lane out. Now why didn't we think of that?

July 7, 2009 adrian READ MORE

Minutes SW Meeting 7 July 2009


Present: Ron, Max, Liz, Fiona

Apologies: Wally, Jon

Bike Parking outside TDC

Its going to happen! Jannie (Mayor) said "why not?" after SW oral submission presentation at LTCCP.

Jon to contact TDC about the time
line and detail about the design and position of the bike stands. Need to ensure it is best practice. Question is it better on the area by the door? Bikeparking outside library too!


July 6, 2009 Fiona READ MORE

Commuting patterns in New Zealand have come under increasing scrutiny because of growing public and government interest in sustainability. This interest arose because of legislative changes, such as the Local Government Act 2002, which required local councils to consider sustainability in their ten-year development plans. Larger city councils have promoted more sustainable commuting options such as public transport, walking, and cycling. Better information about commuting is important to help inform government and society....

July 6, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Cyclists are to blame in less than a third of accidents with motor vehicles, police figures show.

A four-month operation targeting the behaviour of cyclists and motorists aims to improve cycle safety in Canterbury, particularly around...

July 6, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Green paint marking in cycle lanes: Top of Tukapa St and into Wallace Place


Green paint marking appearing in New Plymoth's cycle lanes: Mangorei Road/Rimu Street intersection

July 5, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

Here are some photos taken recently showing that they are nearly there:

Shared pathway road barrier #1: Waiwhakaiho River Bridge black spot fix nearly finished.

Shared pathway - western exit back on SH3

Shared pathway road barrier showing recent damage: The new barrier showing an impact from a vehicle already. The posts for the barrier are around 350 mm in from the kerb edge. The vehicle that did this would have given anyone on the shared path a great fright.

One can see earlier photos that show the...

July 5, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

Despite the huge increase in numbers of cyclists on UK roads, casualties have decreased. It's all down to safety in numbers

When I started cycling in London eight years ago I felt I was virtually the only one, battling for space with taxis and buses. It was a fight with few allies. Today, things are very different – I'm one of the pack surging away at the traffic lights. Official figures show more miles were travelled by bike in 2008 than for each year since 1992. Cycling has almost doubled on London's main roads in nine years and increased by 30-50% in cities such as Bristol,...

July 3, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Health & Active Transport Alliance formed

CAN and Living Steets Aotearoa have formed an alliance with several health NGOs:  Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), the National Heart Foundation (NHF) and the Cancer Society of NZ (CSNZ). Contact is also being maintained with Diabetes NZ. Both NHF and CSNZ support walking and cycling for their health benefits.

This alliance will look to join forces where appropriate to lobby for increased investment for cycling and walking at a national level. Some excellent co-operation has already been happening:...

July 3, 2009 ribell READ MORE

Cycling is to be the focus of a new national plan to be published by the government this autumn.

Building Britain's Future, the policy blueprint unveiled by Prime
Minister Gordon Brown on Monday (29 June), says the National Cycle Plan
will set out the role that local authorities, public transport
providers, employers and schools, can play in delivering a cycling
revolution across Britain.

The document says the national cycling budget has increased in recent
years to £60 million annually and has seen the introduction of 18 Cycle

July 3, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Wellington City Council’s new 10-year budget includes $4,750,000 to invest in a strategic cycling and walking network – including the proposed ‘Great Harbour Way’ and a cycle-walkway alongside the Porirua Stream through Tawa and along Middleton Road to Glenside.

The City Council’s Transport and Urban Development Leader, Cr Andy Foster, is delighted. “This is putting our money where our mouth is. It’s developed from the Regional Strategic Cycling Network agreed by Greater Wellington last December, and from the city’s first-ever...

July 2, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Bike NZ
Regional Development Manager - Rotorua
Fixed Term: Three Years
Rotorua in Gear is an exciting new collaborative project that aims to get more people cycling more often in Rotorua by creating a ‘social norm’ around cycling. The coordinated programme will promote many biking opportunities and a pathway of development. It involves local and national organizations including BikeNZ, Sport Bay of Plenty, Rotorua District Council, Health Rotorua PHO, Lakes DHB, Rotorua Police, and SPARC.
The project team is seeking an exceptional Regional Development Manager to lead...

July 2, 2009 chris lenth READ MORE

Practical and sustainable, it's an ideal material for frames, but bamboo may take a while to become the next big thing

     Calfee bamboo racing bike 

The panda jokes are now a long way from my mind. I'm standing astride a bike crafted from an armful of bamboo cane, about to push out into rush-hour traffic.


July 2, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

The Heaphy Track is reckoned by many to be the best long distance singletrack ride in New Zealand. And the Department of Conservation has just (as in today) released its Draft Partial Review of the Kahurangi National Park Management Plan. The Plan proposes to trial seasonal access for mountain bikes on the Heaphy from 1 May to 1 October each year. And general access for mountain bikes on the Kill Devil and Flora Saddle-Barron Flat tracks.

This is great news and the 'rules of engagement' detailed in the plan are consistent with what Mountain Bike NZ has lobbied for...

July 1, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

This could be something for CAW to submit on - volunteers?

Wellington City Council would like your views on proposed changes to the city's Speed Limits Bylaw - the Wellington City Consolidated Bylaw 2008, Part 6: Speed Limits.

Currently the Council has the ability to set speed limits of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 100km/h. The main proposed change in this bylaw review would also allow the Council to set speed limits of 10 and 90km/h. No specific speed limit changes to particular areas...

July 1, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Meeting Reminders:

12.30 pm at NPDC Mishma Room, Ground Floor, monthly get together with their Cycle Strategy Implementation Team on what is happening etc.

5.20 pm venue at STOS, regular NTCA meeting, Devon St West 

Minutes from last month are at:

June 30, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

29 June 2009

Is New Zealand ready for a Top Gear style cycling show?

BikeNZ and RideStrong have been working furiously with a number of cycling industry partners on a new magazine-style cycling TV show.  To guarantee the support of NZ OnAir, BikeNZ need all cyclists to show their support by voting on RideStrong before Monday 6th July.

BikeNZ are convinced Kiwis are ready for a regular TV show dedicated to cycling. The Cycling Show will bring the same attitude tobikes that popular motoring show Top Gear brings...

June 30, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE