

September 22, 2009 julied READ MORE

Scary Asian helmet campaign

Sociologist David Horton of Lancaster University is doing a five part series on fear of cycling at Copenhagenize, and in part 3 looks at the effect of helmet promotion campaigns. He notes that most UK cycling organizations are against mandatory helmet use, saying that it should be a matter of free choice.

He then discusses points we have noted before, the Australian study that showed dramatic drop in the number of cyclists when helmets became mandatory, vs the noted increase in safety when there are lots of cyclists, the safety in...

September 21, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Bike Futures ’09 is dedicated to the people who will transform our communities intobike-friendly, economically thriving and sustainable environments. It takes place at the MCG, Melbourne - 15 & 16 October 2009.  The conference is the first in an annual series designed to assist national and local leaders, planners, designers and builders respond to the critical demands brought on by the explosion in growth of bike transportation and recreation across Australia.  The conference is presented by the Bicycle Network across Australia, and hosted by Bicycle Victoria, Australia’s leading bike...

September 18, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

Coming up on Sunday, 20 September, 2009

The idea of a national cycleway has attracted a lot of criticism, but Insight travels to the regions and finds quite a different reaction

The National Cycleway is an idea that stemmed out of the Jobs Summit, and the Government's vision is that it will create hundreds of jobs and bolster New Zealand tourism.


It has its critics: The Opposition says it will not create the promised jobs and some say the $50 million committed to it is not enough.


But out in the...

September 17, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

WCC are calling for submissions on their Draft Waterfront Plan. Who would like to coordinate a submission?

The waterfront is a key bicycle route, and part of the Great Harbour Way. We need to ensure that a cycling corridor is preserved and enhanced along the waterfront. Any other points that people feel should be made?

September 17, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Photo: Paul Joseph.

Excellent news for Buenos Aires locals, expats and green travelers that want to know the city. In order to put some order to the chaotic traffic, the government is building 62 miles of bike lanes by 2011, 15 of which should be ready by the end of this year.

As the existing bike lanes have never been respected by cars and buses, the new ones will be physically separated from the streets (why this is extremely important can be seen on the post The case for separated bike lanes).

More details about the plans in the extended....

September 17, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Cycling scheme to boost tourism Tourism bosses hope the scheme will prove to be another attraction

A mass bicycle hire scheme, said to be the largest of its kind in the UK, has been officially launched in Blackpool.

The £1m initiative, funded by Cycling England, Blackpool NHS and the council, is aimed at boosting tourism and its profile as a cycling destination.

Modelled on the popular Paris scheme, it involves a number of stands located around the resort's promenade, pleasure beach, and...

September 17, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Dear members and fellow cyclists

The Lake Rd cycle lanes are under threat again.  Responding to a group of Devonport residents who wrongly believe the cycle lanes cause motorist delay, North Shore City Council is reviewing whether the cycle lanes should be removed.

We need to send a strong message to North Shore City Council to let them know the cycle lanes MUST stay.  Please help us by signing the on-line petition, and forwarding this email to your friends and colleagues, especially if they live on the Shore.  You could also add the petition link...

September 17, 2009 KirstenS READ MORE

CAN is having a planning weekend19-20 Sept - what do CAW members think CAN should be doing?

is too much energy going into internal organisation, and not enough into campaigns? how do we attract new advocates? How well does CAW communicate with CAN and other advocacy groups? How do we capitalise on the National Cycleway etc etc...

Please post a comment...

September 17, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) invites you to step into a time machine with an entertaining snapshot of transport issues in the Wellington region, nearly 40years ago

with the movie screening of –


“Notes on a New Zealand City”.



September 16, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

The Ministry of Tourism has released a report showing a National Cycleway could double cycle tourism revenue from $320 million to $640 million per year. 

Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) spokesperson Stephen McKernon says unless we address traffic issues New Zealand's potential cycle tourism growth won't be realised. 

The report highlights a major barrier to the success of the National Cycleway is the speed and volume of New Zealand traffic, and with this, motorist attitudes and behaviours around cyclists. 

"International and domestic cycle tourists both fear New...

September 16, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

September 15, 2009 ribell READ MORE

WCC is consulting on future plans for Wellington - how will cycling fit into the 30 year plan? Initial feedback due 9 october.

Is there a volunteer to prepare a CAW submission?

Also drop-in sessions:

Thursday 17 September 5.00pm - 7.00pm, Committee Room 1 Wednesday 23 September 12 noon - 2.00pm, Committee Room 1


September 15, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Motorway traffic in Auckland is declining, public transport use is at a 25-year high and growing, and oil production is expected to peak within 10 years. So we're building more motorways. Simon Wilson asks why.

Metro magazine article PDF download below

September 14, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Auckland Networker

Living Streets Aotearoa is looking for an experienced community development networker to replace our staff member in Auckland who will be away for five months.  We are looking for someone with the ability to support and develop our groups in Auckland City, North Shore, Waitakere, and Manukau, to motivate and enthuse volunteers, and to establish and maintain effective networks and relationships with a wide range of stakeholders in the Auckland region.

This is a half-time (20 hours/week) fixed term contract position from 5th October 2009 to 19th February 2010...

September 14, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Portland’s new (and first-ever) cycle track has been installed on SW Broadway near Portland State University.
(Photos © J. Maus)

Making good on a promise to install a “high-profile” cycle track, Mayor Sam Adams will join Portland State University President Wim Wiewel, BTA executive director Scott Bricker and City of Portland staff to formally introduce a new kind of bikeway today.

The cycle track runs from SW Clay to SW Jackson and the project cost the City around $80,000. People riding bikes on that stretch will now be separated from moving motor vehicle traffic by...

September 14, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Image credit: ibuyeco Parking Day

Parking Day has been going since 2005, and TreeHugger has always been excited about this way to temporarily reclaim space from cars and use it for the common good. Others were less impressed, calling Parking Day Activists "enviro-nuts", and even describing them as "so punchable". Now we'll see how the Brits take to the practice of paying for parking space, only to use it for recreation - Parking Day is coming to Britain.

Considering the fact that the UK is the birth place of World Naked Bike Ride, the ibuyeco...

September 14, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Students are coached for the cycling proficiency test known as Bikeability at Queens Mead Primary School, Braunstone, Leicestershire. Photograph: David Sillitoe

Significant numbers of children face active official discouragement and even bans against cycling to and from school, cycle campaigners have warned as a new academic year gets under way.

As state pupils in most of the UK returned for the new term over the past week – those in Scotland went back earlier – most travelled to school in cars, on buses or on foot. Just a tiny minority did so on a...

September 14, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

New Zealand’s cycling market has the potential to more than double the amount of money tourists spend annually – from $320 million to $640 million. That’s according to a new market research report released by the Ministry of Tourism today.

New Cycleway Research Report now available

New Zealand’s cycling market has the potential to more than double the amount of money tourists spend annually – from $320 million to $640 million.

That’s according to a new market research report released by the Ministry of Tourism...

September 14, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

From Jennie Henton

Hi Cycle Aware
In view of the Copenhagen conference on climate change this December a number of organisations like Oxfam and Avaaz members and are setting up events on Sept 21 to wake up the world leaders.
Avaaz members have registered more than 350 September 21 Climate Wake-Up Call events in 54 countries.

Would you be interested in organising with me a cycle to work event in Wellington on Mon 21 to demonstrate to world leaders that a huge and growing global movement will accept nothing less than a fair,...

September 11, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE