


I am not sure who will receive this email, but I spoke to Patrick of CAW
at Park(ing) Day and talked to him about having a bike maintenance
workshop at the waterfront festival from 12:00-5:00 on October 24th.
Patrick mentioned that CAW had a bike maintenance stand and some tools we
could possibly use.  I am interested in trying to make that happen if
possible.  I know that CAW members will most likely be involved with the
ride from Eastbourne that day, but if you know any keen cyclists who know
bike maintenance skills who aren't...

October 2, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE


I am not sure who will receive this email, but I spoke to Patrick of CAW
at Park(ing) Day and talked to him about having a bike maintenance
workshop at the waterfront festival from 12:00-5:00 on October 24th.
Patrick mentioned that CAW had a bike maintenance stand and some tools we
could possibly use.  I am interested in trying to make that happen if
possible.  I know that CAW members will most likely be involved with the
ride from Eastbourne that day, but if you know any keen cyclists who know
bike maintenance skills who aren't...

October 2, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

From the meeting with Ross McCoy of NZTA and the NPDC Cycle Strategy team held on Wednesday, this document outlines what will be funded on state highways etc for the next 3 years. This document details the funding provided for the Taranaki region – and as a dynamic document will be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect any approved variations to programmes, with the latest version available on the NZTA’s website at For information on funding for the rest of New Zealand (and how the NLTP is developed and managed) see the ‘national’ document, which is also available at...

October 1, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

October issue of Stepping Forward, the NZ Transport Agency’s newsletter on the implementation of a three-year transport planning, programming and funding cycle in New Zealand.

This edition covers the following topics:

• NLTP: Managing activities to programme and budget

• NLTP: New reporting tool makes it a bit easier

• Links to the national and regional NLTP documents

• Getting value for money through procurement

• Review of efficiency of SuperGold card

October 1, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Cycling advocates call for stop to cyclist-bashing

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) is calling for a stop to cyclist-bashing on the roads and in the media.

CAN's call comes after four cyclists were injured last week on Auckland's Tamaki Drive when a car failed to stop at a stop sign. Public and media response to the crash frequently featured abuse of cyclists.

CAN spokes person Stephen McKernon says "cyclists often endure verbal abuse from motorists simply for being on the road. A segment of the motoring public also says cyclists break the Road Code and are a nuisance...

September 30, 2009 Scorcher READ MORE

Dear cyclists

TV7's live show Back Benches looks at cycling tonight Wednesday 30 Sept, 8:30pm at the Back Bencher pub on Molesworth St.
Come along or tune in.

CAW Chair Illona Keenan will be representing us. Come along and support cyclists.

Spread the word

September 30, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

9/10/09 - NZ Herald.  Cop who peppersprayed cyclist to face trial  

2/10/09  You may want to read this as well. Very interesting piece of assessment. Sridhar

2/10/09  This week's Green Party podcast on cycling...

September 29, 2009 julied READ MORE

North Taranaki Cycling Advocates

The NTCA committee would like to keep you up to date on what they have been doing as far as cycling advocacy in 2009:

About NTCA

The North Taranaki Cycling Advocates group in New Plymouth are an affiliated group of the national Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN), looking after the interests of cyclists in North Taranaki.  NTCA represents a broad cross-section of cyclists in Taranaki with both recreational and commuting members, road and mountain bikers and a wide range of ages.  We work with central government and local...

September 28, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

From the Sunday Star-Times (click to see larger version)

September 28, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

In the aftermath of a tragic crash that has left one cyclist critically
injured after a weekend collision between a car and group of
cyclists, Cycle Action Auckland members have expressed their sympathy
to those involved in the crash, and have discussed some of the issues arising from the event with television, radio and newspaper media.

Mark Bracey, Chair of Cycle Action Auckland sent out this message:
thoughts and best wishes go out to the cyclists and the families of the
victims of the accident on Tamaki Drive on Saturday'.

September 28, 2009 KirstenS READ MORE

Wellingtonians are urged to have a say on the future of their city as part of a project to develop a 30-year framework that will provide a vision for the central city.

Wellington 2040: the future of our central city will be developed by Wellington City Council to guide how the central city changes and grows. A month-long engagement process begins today and the Council is keen to hear from the people and organisations who live, work and play in the city about what sort of central city they want.

Wellington’s central city is home to 12,000 people and a further 9000 people...

September 28, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Saturday Sep 26, 2009
A car that allegedly ran a stop sign has left four cyclists in hospital, one in a serious condition.

Four men were cycling along Tamaki Drive in St Heliers, Auckland this morning and were hit about 8am.

Inspector Willy Taylor said police were talking to a woman driver and witnesses.

"It was a stop sign and she went through it," Mr Taylor said.

He said one of the cyclists was still unconscious but he expected the other three to be released from hospital today.

Witnesses said the injured cyclists were part of a group...

September 26, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

The aim of the Discussion Paper was to seek informal public feedback on the key transport issues for the region over the next 30 years.

Copies of the Discussion Paper can be got by phoning the council on 06 765 7127 or by emailing

Submissions closed 4 pm 25th September 2009.  We got it in on the day, thanks to Alan for the work in drafting it up.


September 26, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

The Safer Journeys submissions are due: 5pm Friday 2 October.

One newbie (who has read a few strategies) said the Safer Journeys Document was one of the easiest she had read. It is fairly readable.

Sometimes it is possible to submit late, but in this case, the MoT website says they'll close the site at 5 pm on Friday, so if you're thinking of making a submission, better not rely on working on it over the weekend! 

Three ways to make your voice heard

1. Rate your top 10-20 initiatives using an on line form [easy]...

September 25, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

CAN groups and members are looking for CAN guidance on making a submission.

What are the most important initiatives? CAN staff had a go and want your input.  

Please let us have your thoughts by 4pm Friday 25 September as we wish to post this to CAN Forum and local groups to encourage submissions.


September 24, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

School Bicycling and Walking Policies

[US] National Centre for Safe Routes to Schools, 2009

A tip sheet that explores ways to approach school policies that prohibit walking or bicycling to school.

September 24, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

This amazing video, via Chicago Bicycle Advocate, was produced for the Chicago Police Department to educate drivers, cyclists and officers on traffic laws pertaining to bikes.  Given that the LAPD is revising its teaching methods for how it enforces traffic laws on cyclists this video should be required viewing down at Parker Center.


Traffic Enforcement for Bicyclist Safety from Chicago Bicycle Program on Vimeo.

Considering the disregard and hostility often projected by Los Angeles's Finest, that such videos exist (San...

September 24, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

A small group from CAW has been set up to advise WCC on how to spend the cycling budget. Add your favourite project as a comment below.

September 23, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE