

Here's What the NYC DOT Has Been Doing to Help Cyclists

It's always great to see cities that are making real efforts to encourage people to cycle. The benefits can be enormous: Healthier people, fewer cars on the road, less air pollution, a more human-scale city that attracts more tourists, etc. In the video below, various officials from New York City's Department of Transportation explain the thinking behind various types of new bike lanes in the city (on the left, buffered, and completely separated).

NYC bike lanes video


October 20, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Good afternoon all,
As you will all be aware I have resigned from my position here at Wellington City Council, and I am pleased to advise that my replacement has been appointed. Anna Blomquist has accepted the position, and she will anticipate starting in mid-November.

For some of you Anna will be a familiar name as she is no stranger to road safety, and leaves her current position as road safety coordinator for Hutt City Council, to join us here in Wellington. Anna has a strong background in education and is very passionate about road safety in all forms. It is with...

October 20, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Hi All,

One of this year's Cycling Conference keynote speakers, Phillip Darnton from Cycling England, is scheduled to be interviewed on Kim Hill's radio programme on 24 October.

Check out National Radio  for updates.

And check out the Cycling Conference website for more info on Philip Darnton - he's got some really inspiring examples of cyclist-friendly towns, and cycling skills training programmes.

Fantastic news, and many thanks to Patrick for his work on this!



October 19, 2009 jdawson READ MORE

Encouraging Cycling

There are many ways in which cycling can be encouraged which complement engineering and planning initiatives. Cycling England’s professional support team can provide advice on ways in which local authorities and others can encourage more people to cycle, working with those engaged as professionals and with elected members.

Benefits of Cycling Cycling to School Integration with Public Transport Journey Planner Marketing & Promotion Member Support Monitoring & Evaluation Professional Support Smart Measures Portfolio Travel Plans and Wider...

October 19, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Cycle Lanes: Safety under Scrutiny

Oriental Bay, Wellington

Latest research has shed doubt on the benefits of cycle lanes, often thought to be a key incentive for novice cyclists. It would appear that, in the absence of a cycle lane, drivers show more care and consideration when overtaking. If there is a cycle lane, drivers tend to treat it as the only space cyclists need and leave less room when overtaking them.

Many cycle lanes are not even the recommended width (2 metres recommended, 1.5 metres minimum), so they are often too narrow,...

October 19, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Thousands more parking places created at stations – but only for cyclists The daily misery of hunting for a space in the railway station car park and being charged up to £20 for the privilege will soon be over for thousands of commuters — if they switch from petrol to pedal power.

The Government will announce today that it is creating 10,000 additional secure cycle spaces at stations as part of a commitment to “put cycling at the heart of transport policy”. Hundreds of stations will get cycle stands monitored by CCTV cameras or with cages accessible by swipe cards. Ministers have...

October 19, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

10:32AM Friday Oct 16, 2009

A 62-year-old North Shore doctor has died from head injuries after he was knocked off his bicycle in a hit-and-run northwest of Auckland on Wednesday.

Ian Graham Robinson, from Mairangi Bay, was riding with a friend, a fellow doctor, near Helensville, northwest of Auckland, when hit by a white Toyota utility.

Dr Robinson never regained consciousness after the incident on Peak Rd and died in hospital last night.

The driver did not stop and police have appealed for information.

Dr Robinson and his...

October 16, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

The funding process for Phase Two of the New Zealand Cycleway project was announced today by the Ministry of Tourism.

The much anticipated funding process for Phase Two of the New Zealand Cycleway project was announced today by the Ministry of Tourism.

General Manager, Ray Salter, says there are three stages to this process with consideration of the merits of each proposal being assessed at each stage before moving to the next. They are:

Stage one: Concept Proposal Stage two: Feasibility study and Stage three: Business Case.

For more info:

October 15, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

Mikael at Copenhagen Cycle Chic

Globe and Mail journalist Gary Mason visits a city where they really do put bikes ahead of cars; it is city policy in Copenhagen. He interviews Andreas Rohl, suggesting that the bicycle program manager's job is to "ponder the daily question: How can he make life hell for the car drivers of this Scandinavian capital." But Mr. Rohl never actually says that, it's just Mason playing to his poor, suffering "war on the car" audience in Toronto. But Rohl does admit to trying to make a commute on two wheels more attractive than four....

October 15, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

TRAFINZ 2009 brought together over 200 transport professionals and practitioners in Auckland from September 6-9 to discuss the future of land transport, road safety, and planning our cities and towns.

Three Big Themes from the Conference

Theme 1 Transport Future

There was a clear clash of world views between speakers thinking the future will be very like the last 50...

October 15, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Kia ora tatau

On 22 August, over 150 of you came out to support safer cycle lanes in Wellington and the 350 movement, promoting cycling as a low carbon form of transport. (photo attached)

Cycle Aware Wellington ( <>) is organizing another huge cycle ride bringing awareness to these two very important causes – and, of course, because cycling is fun, fast and free!

This time, we are drawing attention to the Great Harbour Way, Wellington’s beautiful coastline, and the necessity for a safe cycle route...

October 15, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Daryl has put together a draft. Thanks Daryl!
Please post any feedback by Monday 19 Oct.

Backgroud here:


Wellington 2040-Feedback Form

All café & retail spaces, parks & waterfront, all equally
Make verandahs continuous, and high across intersections
Make short cuts from corner-to-corner across all parks
Cease building underground car-parks on the waterfront especially those under raised decks which block views
Make all-...

October 12, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Introduction from CAA's Chair Mark Bracey:

Without a doubt, this month's eNews is the best I have ever seen.  And like
this monthly newsletter, I am continually amazed at how the Cycle Action
organisation has grown in strength since I first joined over 10 years ago.
It is extraordinary what a dedicated group of individuals can achieve when
they share a common passion and goal.  It is for these reasons that I am
looking forward to my year as the new Chair.

I would also like to extend a big thank you to all the members who support

October 12, 2009 KirstenS READ MORE

Here's CTC's new campaign:


Stop ‘Sorry Mate, I Didn’t See You’

Because sometimes sorry just isn’t enough.

Bad driving intimidates and harms innocent people. Cyclists and pedestrians are particularly endangered by negligent or aggressive driving because we’re not encased in a few tonnes of metal every time we set out on the roads.

Stop SMIDSY will address how the police, prosecutors, the courts, and the law itself could all do a better job at encouraging people to use the roads in safer and more...

October 12, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

By Sarah Bell
BBC News

Women cyclists make up a far higher proportion of deaths involving lorries than men. Why?

Many of the fatalities involving cyclists happen in collisions with a heavy goods vehicle (HGV). This year, seven of the eight people killed by lorries in London have been women.

Considering that women make only 28% of the UK's cycling journeys, this seems extremely high.

There are no national figures but there's little reason to think...

October 12, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

'Smarter choices' is a broad collection of different initiatives aimed at enabling people to choose improved standards of accessibility with less car use. Our 2004 report 'Smarter Choices: Changing the Way we Travel' was commissioned by the DfT to make an assessment of the evidence available on workplace and school travel plans, personalised travel planning, public transport information and marketing, travel awareness campaigns, car clubs and car sharing, teleworking, teleconferencing, and home shopping. The report is some 700 pages, in two volumes, of case studies, literature reviews,...

October 12, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

The Manukau Harbour Crossing project includes local cycling and walking improvements, to make it easier to get around on foot or by bicycle.

Enter feedback and we'll compile for the NZTA.

October 11, 2009 SteveX READ MORE


October 7 2009

Chair:  Graeme

Notetaker:  Graeme

Present:  Graeme, Joanne, Gaye, Rowan, Alan.

Apologies:  Stuart, Nathaniel.

1. Submissions:

Regional Land Transport Strategy for Taranaki sent into the Taranaki Regional Council.

Safer Journeys sent into the Ministry of Transport.

2. NTCA/CSIT Sept 2009 meeting. Ross McCoy from NZTA Wanganui was present along with Nathaniel and Carl Whittleston from NPDC.


October 8, 2009 Graeme READ MORE

Getting people out of cars and onto bicycles, a much more sustainable form of transportation, has long vexed environmentally conscious city planners. Although bike lanes painted on streets and automobile-free “greenways” have increased ridership over the past few years, the share of people relying on bikes for transportation is still less than 2 percent, based on various studies. An emerging body of research suggests that a superior strategy to increase pedal pushing could be had by asking the perennial question: What do women want?

In the U.S., men’s cycling trips surpass women’...

October 8, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Sorry it is so late. It was cobbled together from CAA and CAN hopefully I got it right. Let me know if it should be changed in anyway

October 2, 2009 Illona READ MORE