

Italian montage of bicicletta-love!

November 26, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Improving road safety for pedestrians and cyclists in Great Britain


Great Britain is one of the safest countries in the world in terms of road deaths and the
Department for Transport (the Department) is on track to achieve its overall road safety
targets for 2010. It is unacceptable though that, when compared internationally, Great
Britain’s record on pedestrian and, particularly, child pedestrian deaths per head of population is some way behind the best. There is nothing worse than a child’s death and we welcome the Department’s commitment...

November 26, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

An analysis of UK urban transport

This paper reviews the challenges and opportunities for transport in urban areas.  It finds that the impact of transport on the people that live and work in cities goes beyond the benefits of mobility and the economic consequences of congestion.  Poor air quality, ill health and road accidents from transport in urban areas all impose significant additional costs on society. Transport also significantly contributes to the negative experiences of urban streets and public spaces. The evidence presented in this paper suggests a growing need for...

November 26, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Cyclists from Kapiti and the surrounding area joined together in a ride of commemoration for Frank van Kampen, a fellow cyclist who was killed by a drunk motorist in September 2009. We had a good turnout of between 100 - 200 riders despite the drizzly morning. Julie & her crew from Manawatu were there and we got excellent TV coverage especially from TV3. Through donations from the riders taking part we raised a thousand dollars for Frank's family.

Associate Minister of Transport Hon Nathan Guy and shadow Minister Darren Hughes addressed the riders in person before the...

November 26, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Kia ora Bike Wise friends

February is Bike Wise Month, a NZ Transport Agency initiative that encourages Kiwis of all ages to give cycling a go at one of hundreds of events taking place across the country throughout February.  I thought you might be interested in including some of these events on your site.

The key events are:

•    Go By Bike Day: On Wednesday 17 February New Zealanders are being encouraged to bike to work or school instead of going in the car. Breakfast events, including free food and entertainment, are being held in more than 50...

November 26, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

Just discovered Nelson City Council's Fix-a-gram

Just stumbled across this page on the Nelson City Council's website called Fix-a-gram....

They're missing 'glass on roads/pathways' but it's a good start.  If you haven't used this facility already, please try and submit and give us some feedback on it.

If your local or regional authority has a similar link, let us know.

November 25, 2009 Anne F READ MORE

As part of the Wellington City Council's cycling strategy, the council is keen to follow up on sump gratings (sometimes called drain gratings) that are a problem for cyclists.

Sump gratings are often a problem for cyclists, particularly those with skinny tyres. In 2006 CAW did a report for the council on problem sump gratings. Have all these been fixed? Are there other gratings that are a problem on your favourite route?

Add a comment if you know of a grating that should be fixed - give the location (e.g on north side of Brown St, 20m west of intersection with Green St...

November 25, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

District Plan Change 72; Submission from Cycle Aware Wellington


Car parking should not be enforced off-street for new, or additions to, dwellings in residential areas;

Decisions on transport & planning are usually not based on proper surveys.  They are too often based on surveys designed to produce the desired result, and the gut reactions of politicians.  Off-street car parking rules are one result of this attitude.  It was thought to be a good idea but we now have evidence it's not;     

Safety.  Off-street parking was initially...

November 24, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Frank Fernandez and Tony Brennand of NZTA would like to meet with some CAW people about traffic improvements at Basin Reserve some time after 30 Nov - anyone keen to take this on?

November 23, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Overall the 2009 CAN Do was a big success, based on feedback from evaluations.

Roughly a quarter of the registered attendees filled in an evaluation form and the following information can be gathered from studying the responses.

There were a number of items which stood out as being particularly entertaining and informative. From Phillip Darnton's reassuring presentation from Cycling UK, Frocks on Bikes with their chic enthusiasm for the simple...

November 23, 2009 Patrick READ MORE

Antisocial cycling is annoying - but not harmful

Instead of getting worked up about the perceived dangers of bad cycling, let's focus on changing the bad driving that killed 2,538 people on UK roads last year

A cyclist riding on the pavement in central London - not as dangerous as you might think. Photograph: Bernadette Lou/Rex Features

Why do those of us who venture out on two wheels run the risk of being called lycra louts or being compared to the evil overlord of a galactic empire? Take MP David Curry,...

November 23, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

From Leanne Parsons, WCC

It would be wonderful if you could add this information to your next news letter. There are activities for kids, families and adults and they are all FREE!   Kick-start your summer by discovering the fun and freedom of cycling! We have lots of workshops, events and courses to get you and your friends and family on bikes and having a blast. Even if you don't have a bike you can borrow one for some of our events. Sharpen your skills in mountain biking (adults and children) or road riding or learn the art of commuting to work. Learn to keep your ride...

November 20, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Google Bike Directions Could Be Useful Tool For Cities by Zoe Baldwin

Bicycle directions haven't been added to Google Maps yet, but they may be coming soon.

Soon to be added to the Google empire are “Bike There” directions on Google Maps, offering cyclists information about nearby bike paths, lanes and trails. The announcement garnered no more than a sentence and a half in a larger company update, but has many in the cycling community waiting on bated breath.

Since adding the ‘Take Public Transit” option to Google Maps, Google has...

November 19, 2009 Alex admin READ MORE

I've put some photos of CANDO and the cycling conference on Flickr

November 19, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Kia ora Kapiti Cycling, Hutt Cycle Action and CAW,

My name is Megan, I'm part of a group of NGOs and community orgs, including Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, Unicef, the Anglican church, the CTU, and many others. We have all been involved in organising an event in Wellington on December the 5th, the eve of the Copenhagen climate negotiations, to demonstrate the diversity of the climate movement in New Zealand in calling for ambitious and fair carbon targets.

We would like to ask Wellington's branches of...

November 18, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

“Bobbies on Bikes” a winner for Nelson

A joint pilot project between Nelson City Council and Police, Bobbies on Bikes won the Commitment by a Public Organisation Award. Marg Parfitt, Nelson’s Road Safety Coordinator, accepted the award and also acknowledged the original seed of the concept coming from local cycle advocacy group, Bicycle Nelson Bays.

November 17, 2009 Anne F READ MORE

the 17 Nov meeting of the WCC strategy and policy committee discussed Walking and Cycling Improvements Linked to the Proposed Johnsonville Shopping Centre Redevelopment- Report 5 proposes advance stop boxes, cycle trail, etc.

November 17, 2009 AlastairS READ MORE

Hamilton Fleet Bike 

Why? With congestion and other traffic and parking issues increasing, these
bikes will enable your staff to reduce their vehicle usage for short work trips.
They are great for getting to and from inner city meetings and, the bikes are
fitted with large saddle bags for carrying all the goodies you may need.

Download the Application Form (below) and email to the address specified on the form (no need to print it out).


November 17, 2009 Robbie.Price READ MORE

Subject: Do you commute regularly into town? Do you know someone who does?
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 15:41:50 +1300

Hi all


Jess from Sport BOP contacted me about the bike buddy programme during Bike Wise month (February 2010).  The idea is to give new cycling commuters an opportunity to join experienced commuters during Bike Wise month (we should probably have this going all year round).  There needs to be a person who people can contact to find out if there is an experienced commuter they...

November 17, 2009 chris lenth READ MORE

(Bicycle Industry Association of New Zealand) 

New Zealand Retailers Association Incorporated

November 16, 2009 julied READ MORE