

Public Transport Costing Myths (Melbourne, Australia)

“The MTF [Metropolitan Transport Forum] is of the view that public transport should be acknowledged as far more cost effective for transit in cities such as Melbourne, than car based solutions. As cities become conurbations, reliance on the motor vehicle as the primary mode of transport undermines city liveability, amenity and efficiency.

o Myth No 1: that public transport is heavily subsidised by the State.
“The costs of public transport infrastructure and services must be balanced with the...

January 21, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

End of the American Love Affair?
America's love affair with the automobile could be sputtering to an end. About 14 million cars were taken out of action last year, 4 million more than rolled off the assembly lines and onto the roads, a report from the Earth Policy Institute said.

It was the first time since World War II that more cars were scrapped than sold, reducing the size of the US car fleet from a high of 250 million to 246 million. Last year was an extraordinarily bad year for the US industry. Two of the three big car makers, GM and Chrysler, went through bankruptcy...

January 21, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The Cycle Training Management System (CTMS) software assists with the administration involved in delivery of Bikeability,

Paul Lowe is the Director of <>, a major training provider, located in London , training instructors <mailbox:///C%7C/Users/Patrick/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/e1uigad1.default/Mail/> and delivering cycle training contracts.

Paul was inspired by his father and brother, both of whom were keen cyclists. He finds...

January 21, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

FreshChoice Supermarket Community Fund now open
The FreshChoice Community Fund is the replacement of the FreshChoice Schools Draw. Any community group/individual, including schools, can apply which means that the whole community can benefit. The total amount given out each month by the 16 FreshChoice Supermarkets is $500. The $500 will be given to one or more recipients. Community Groups can reapply each month.

Download the application form here

Note: Fresh Choice supermarkets are in the South Island and Waikato.

January 21, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Here's resources on cycle touring in New Zealand:

State Highway 89 over the Crown range: nice scenery, but not much road space.

Dansey's Pass


1. Classic New Zealand Mountain Bike Rides, mainly off-road stuff but some back road rides too.

2. Pedallers' Paradise, road touring guide in 5 languages.

3. Lonely Planet's Cycling NZ guide, 2009 edition 


1. New Zealand Cycle Trail A national project to build a network of world class cycle trails. Find out more about...

January 20, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Peter Hayman: It's the roads that damage the bicycles, and not the bicycles that damage the roads

A ROAD tax for cyclists is not something that is likely to happen. It is not sensible. And it's something that should not have been raised. Cyclists do not damage the roads. They don't do any more damage than pedestrians. It is the roads that damage the bicycles and endanger cyclists, and not the cyclists that damage roads.

We have been assured by the Scottish Government that they have no plans to actually bring in a road tax for cyclists. I think it was a tactical error...

January 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

A bicycle remade for you

You don't have to fork out hundreds of pounds if you want to get your hands on a new bike, as Perri Lewis finds out when she takes an old bike for a makeover

Get your free copy of Do it Yourself and Save when you buy a copy of the Guardian on January 16 and the Observer on January 17

Watch 5 minute video here

January 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Obama Administration Proposes Major Public Transportation Policy Shift to Highlight Livability

Changes Include Economic Development and Environmental Benefits

In a dramatic change from existing policy, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today proposed that new funding guidelines for major transit projects be based on livability issues such as economic development opportunities and environmental benefits, in addition to cost and time saved, which are currently the primary criteria.

In remarks at the Transportation Research Board annual...

January 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

At its launch, Cycling England established six Cycling Demonstration Towns (CDTs) where innovative projects were implemented to make it more attractive for people to cycle, both to school and work, and in their leisure time. The towns we selected all had a strong commitment to increase cycling.

Prior to the start of the programme, each town had different levels of people cycling and different local circumstances.  As such, Cycling England worked with each individual CDT to establish a tailor made programme to encourage cycling. Cycling England also established a...

January 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Prominent Auckland architects, Copeland Associates, have been commissioned to create an iconic design for the Pathway proposed for the Auckland Harbour Bridge and Aucklanders are being invited to have their say.

GetAcross spokesperson Bevan Woodward says “Following NZTA’s agreement to the feasibility of the Pathway on the city-side of the Auckland Harbour Bridge, the concept design work can commence. We’re after an iconic design with the ‘wow!’ factor. We want to create a top 10 tourist attraction for the Auckland region and an asset all Aucklanders will be proud of.”...

January 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

New Zealand has some of the most scenic roads in the world but cycle tourism operators say some are becoming increasingly dangerous.

Road cycle tourism was at risk because the roads were not designed for cyclists and increasing traffic volumes, operators said.

BREATHER: Australian Bruna Lisciotto takes a break
after a ride from Manapouri to Te Anau as part of an
Active New Zealand tour.

This is despite efforts to educate both drivers and cyclists to improve road safety.

Cycle Tourism Operators New Zealand chairman Tim De...

January 18, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Cycle Aware Manawatu will run a 2 day "Bike-ability" workshop to train trainers how to teach adults to ride bicycles as safely as possible on the road.

Enquiries to:

The course is funded by a grant from the Palmerston North City Environment Trust, and in kind support from Sport Manawatu and the Cycling Advocates' Network.

Once trained, the trainers will run a series of courses for adults wanting to learn how to ride a bike competently on the road, much like a defensive driving course for cyclists.

These will be on  10am-...

January 16, 2010 julied READ MORE

Press Release January 14, 2010

Iconic design sought for Auckland Harbour Bridge’s Pathway

Prominent Auckland architects, Copeland Associates, have been commissioned to create an iconic design for the Pathway proposed for the Auckland Harbour Bridge and Aucklanders are being invited to have their say.

GetAcross spokesperson Bevan Woodward says “Following NZTA’s agreement to the feasibility of the Pathway on the city-side of the Auckland Harbour Bridge, the concept design...

January 14, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Graeme S. sent this link through this week

Hey Guys,

Really good replay of an Ideas programme from August on Radio NZ's Sunday show this morning.

Well worth a listen with some great info...


January 13, 2010 chris lenth READ MORE


"Taken with the assistance of the Cyclists' Touring Club." Introductory intertitle reads: "Fifty years ago, wearing a bustle and a pained expression, Eve took a sedate front seat."

Travelling shot of a couple in Victorian dress riding on an antiquated bicycle. The woman sits on the front part of the bike whilst the man pedals at the back. "Nothing strenuous about this for Eve - Adam did the pedalling." Closer travelling shot of the strange vehicle. "The "Sociable", when the forward young Misses of the day dispensed with the...

January 11, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

New Delhi

Erin Roberts, a foreign tourist, gets out of a metro station in the national capital and walks towards the car park. She pays the parking attendant. Next, Erin rides out on a bicycle into the busy Connaught Place. This scene can be witnessed every day on several metro stations around Delhi, thanks to a new cycle rental service by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC).


Cyclists in New Delhi

"I came to India from Paris to make a documentary on Indian culture. This is my second visit and I...

January 11, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Boson Au commutes from his Charles Village home to his downtown office by bicycle. He rides his bike to the grocery store and, with a group of cycling friends, to bars on weekends.

Traveling by bike allows Au a more immediate and intimate experience of Baltimore than driving a car. "It makes the city seem smaller and closer," said the 32-year-old Web developer. "I'm seeing the streets. I'm feeling the bumps. It's made me more involved in the city."


But Baltimore's congested and pothole-ridden streets pose many hazards to...

January 11, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

My bike is going to kill me. That was all I could think about as I rolled the thing out of my apartment and made those initial awkward pedal pushes in my first ride around downtown Toronto.

But gliding along Queen St., with no angry cars honking or getting too close to my wheels, I figured I might actually get home alive. If I could just remember the road rules.

Hand signal directional changes. Turn left on left lanes only, or get off the bike and cross the intersection like a pedestrian. If you're changing lanes near streetcar tracks, approach them at a...

January 11, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Slowly Coming to the U.S.
Cycling is extremely green, and there are all kinds of tools in the arsenal of city planners to encourage more of it. One of the newest (in the U.S.) tools is the bike boulevard, a concept that is relatively common in Europe. To get an idea of what a bike boulevard is, you can have a look at the Portland Planning & Design Guidebook for Bike Boulevards, or even better, check out the great video via StreetFilms.
Overview of this report This report is intended to serve as a planning and conceptual design guide for planners, engineers,...

January 11, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

A young German cyclist killed in a collision with a truck in New Zealand in January described aggressive truck drivers as "beasts" just days before her death.

Mia Susanne Pusch, 19, arrived in New Zealand in early October and had been cycling around the country until her death last Tuesday.

Read more here

Below are photos and the speech made at the installation of a White Bike at the site of the accident.

Memorial speech for Mia on the occasion of the installation of a White Bike on August 31st 2010:

Mia Susanne Pusch from Kirtorf, Germany,...

January 10, 2010 Anne F READ MORE