

NZ Transport Agency has $7 million over 2 years for the Model Communities programme. The funding starts 1 July 2010.

Ask your council if they are applying. 

NZ Transport Agency has $7 million over 2 years for the Model Communities programme. The funding starts 1 July 2010.

"Model communities aim to reduce congestion by providing user-friendly environments for walking and cycling." (

NZTA has written to all councils to invite them to apply. Your...

February 4, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Kapiti BikeWise Month


Lots of activities and days out during this month, details are in the attached PDF here (768KB).

Win a Bike – all participants in BikeWise activities or cyclists seen out and about on a bike during BikeWise Month - Feb 2nd to March 5th get a ticket to win $600 bike and or biking gear from On Yer Bike!

February 4, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

A Kapiti Coast grandmother, whose drunk driving caused the death of a cyclist, showed no emotion when she was jailed for two years and two months today.

Alison Mary Downer, 71, had earlier admitted causing the death of father-of-two Frank van Kampen on State Highway 1 north of Waikanae last September.

In Palmerston North District Court today, Judge Les Atkins also disqualified her from driving for eight years and ordered her to pay reparation of $30,000 to Mr van Kampen's family.

Mr van Kampen's partner, Jude Pauwels, had told the court she did not want...

February 3, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Has your local or regional council created an online 'issue notification form'?

Nelson City Council has an excellent example called Fix-a-gram.

Check out your council's website and see what they have and add it to the table below. 

We will then set up a map with all the locations and their respective links.

Page Name
Nelson City Council
Tasman District Council 

February 3, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Skills Active is currently undertaking consultation on the cyclist skills instructor qualification structure

Skills Active is currently undertaking consultation on the cyclist skills instructor qualification structure

They'd like feedback by 14 February

It looks a very basic document, based on standards for outdoor sports instruction.

February 2, 2010 AlastairS READ MORE

How to build a pump track!

Take 30m3 of clay based silt, 10m3 topsoil and 2 Dingos.  Place the basic shape of the track, shaping the berms 1st.  This will enable you to line up the rollers and plan how many 'pumps' you can fit in between each berm.  HINT!  the longer the straights the better because you eventually build enough speed to 'double' two rollers. 

Place the rollers and compact all the soil well.  Take special note in the video footage where the rollers are on the exits of the berms.  You need to use the berm to gain speed up the roller and then pump down...

February 1, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Bicycles and cars on Beijing's Chang'an Avenue during rush hour Photograph: Keren Su/Getty Images/China Span RM

After wrestling for years with Beijing's appalling traffic and pollution problems, city planners have come up with a distinctly old-fashioned solution: bicycles.

Municipal officials want to boost the number of cyclists by 25% during the next five-year plan, state media reported today. Twenty years ago, four out of five residents in the Chinese capital pedalled to work through one of the world's best systems of bicycle lanes. But the modern...

February 1, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

February 1, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Problems caused by ASRs [boy racers] plagued the inner city a few years ago but these had stopped, due to the inner city's 30km speed limit, the thinning of the roads on Queen St and the increase in pedestrian crossings, Mr MacDonald said.

Full article here from NZ Herald.

February 1, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

After five years of sanctioned experimentation in American cities—large and small--the Federal Highway Administration has officially adopted Shared Use Lane Markings, or “Sharrows,” into the latest version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

America Codifies Shared Use Lane Markings (Sharrows)

While the MUTCD is not everyday reading for many livable streets advocates, its contents largely dictate how America’s roadways are detailed, signed, and controlled, and therefore controls the widespread application of sustainable transport innovations...

February 1, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Media Statement from Cycling Advocates Network (CAN)

Cycling advocates are calling for a ceasefire in the latest skirmish between some drivers and cyclists.

A Christchurch businessman has today issued a statement, apologising for his online remarks in which he said he wanted to "nail'' cyclists with his Hummer.

Cycling is a great way to get around, and an activity enjoyed by more than a
million New Zealanders says Cycling Advocates’ Network (CAN) Chair, Bevan Woodward.


January 28, 2010 Anne F READ MORE


Effective advocacy is an important part of efforts to increase population participation in physical activity. Research about effective health advocacy is scarce, however, the health sector can learn from the experiences and knowledge of community advocates and those who are on the receiving end of this advocacy. The aim of this study is to explore advocacy for active transport from the perspectives of community advocates and representatives from New Zealand City councils.


Cycling and walking advocates were identified from the local contact list of Cycling...

January 28, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

There have been some changes in the team that puts together CAN's "Chainlinks" magazine. The role of main editor has been taken on by Stephen Wood, who up until now has had the role of contributions manager. Claire Pascoe has agreed to take on the role of contributions manager, but as she has a busy month in February on other things, will work up to it slowly.

Miriam Richardson, who has been the Chainlinks editor for a few years, is not leaving the Chainlinks team. She will still do the work to lay out the material and produce final copy to go to the printers. In effect, we've split...

January 28, 2010 stephenw READ MORE

Cyclists have a number of risk factors that do not affect car drivers. The main risk factors are  decreased stability and a much lower level of protection than is given by a car. In addition, a cyclist is less visible to other road users than a car or truck. These factors, combined with the condition of the road environment, give cyclists a high level of risk per time unit travelled, although this risk is significantly lower than the risk carried by motorcyclists.

Download here (PDF 232 KB)

January 28, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan and Department of Buildings (DOB) Commissioner Robert LiMandri today announced the City is prepared to implement the Bicycle Access to Office Buildings Law (Local Law 52), which aims to increase bicycle commuting by helping cyclists gain access to secure parking at their office buildings during the workday.

The future of NYC commuting

The legislation was signed into law by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in August 2009 and was sponsored by Council Member David Yassky...

January 28, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

GW is reviewing bikes on trains.
I hear they are proposing to restrict access to off-peak, and start charging.
CAW will need to campaign hard to retain what we fought for and won.

Are we up for this?

Here's why:
1. Bikes on trains are a good idea.
2. Raise CAW's profile and gather support
3. Lose this one and we'll get pushed back again.
4. We want bikes on buses too.

Where to from here?
1. Check the facts
2. Get commitment from CAW
3. Form a campaign team
4. Make a plan: objective,...

January 27, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

A Christchurch businessman's online threats to target cyclists in his Hummer has reignited a row between motorists and cyclists.

Sign of the Takahe restaurant co-owner Richard Freeman told an online forum he would "nail" cyclists and challenged "anyone wearing Spandex and shaved legs to get to my front door unharmed".

Freeman, who lives near the narrow, winding Dyers Pass Rd in Cashmere, said he drove "a black H2 Hummer and have put 2 [cyclists] into the curb over the last 6 months".

He later said the comments were tongue-in-cheek.

His comments...

January 27, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Cycling is a great way to get around and a sport enjoyed by more than a million New Zealanders.

If only three in 100 people took up cycling instead of driving, New Zealand would save more than 1 billion dollars per year!

Cycling is a great way to get around and a sport enjoyed by more than a
million New Zealanders.

Now available online NZ Code for Cyclists

If only three in 100 people took up cycling instead of driving, New Zealand
would save more than 1 billion dollars per year!

Cycling is the pollution solution that...

January 26, 2010 Anne F READ MORE


My wife and I were dramatically changed when we saw the documentary The Age of Stupid. We are selling our car, bought a vespa. That didn't seem enough, so we decided to purchase 200 used-commuter bicycles from Japan to sell here in Wellington and to some friends in Hamilton. My wife Sarah lived in Japan and Taiwan and had lovely bicycles (notably the mama-chari
model) which are designed for commuting and running errands. We could not find any of these bicycles here, except for very expensives models from USA or Europe and so we found some we could sell for less than $...

January 26, 2010 AlastairS READ MORE

Bike Club will be offering support to groups of young people with training, equipment and facilities that help them use cycling as a way to learn to skills and achieve rewarding experiences.

Initial funding for the development of Bike Club has come from Cycling England, an organisation that, supported by the Department for Transport, encourages cycling through a range of initiatives.

Transport Minister Sadiq Khan will be at Bike Club's London launch, where he will be addressing attendees. Ahead of the event he said;

"I want to put cycling at the...

January 21, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE