

Scrambling down the stairs, looking for a clean pair of jeans it dawned on me. I am going to be late to yet another meeting! TfL had contacted me last Friday to see if I wanted to test the new cycle hire scheme bike. I was happy to oblige but with a pending trip to Argentina in three days I was finding myself even less organised than usual. As I powered my way through London to get to Victoria Street and the TfL press offices I pondered how many people had tried out the bike. I must be in the first few. Also, what would the bike be like? Fast, slow, comfortable, cumbersome?


May 17, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The vast majority of cyclists are frequently making these errors on the roads. Anyone who recognises and corrects their errors can cycle more safely, confidently and efficiently. Up until last week I was regularly making these mistakes too. However, a 2 hour course I completed last Thursday, by the highly recommended Cycle Training UK, completely changed my cycling technique. Here are the mistakes commonly made and how they can be corrected.

1. Riding where cars can’t see you

Perhaps the most frequent error made by new cyclists is riding in the gutter...

May 13, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

New York (CNN) -- When writer-actor John Leguizamo shows up to do a show in New York, fans outside the theater are surprised to see him ride up on a bicycle. "People go, 'Hey, John, I thought you'd be in a limo.'

"This is my limo, my green limo. I'm saving the planet for your kids and your grandkids," says the performer, who has starred in award-winning one-man shows on Broadway and appeared in dozens of films and TV shows.

Biking gets you places faster, reduces your carbon footprint, lowers noise, makes you fit and lowers your stress level -- unless...

May 13, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

About a year ago, we wrote about the trial of new physically separated bike lanes on Vancouver's Burrard bridge. Time has passed, wheels have turned. So how did the trial work out? StreetFilms has just released a video about it, and apparently cycling is up by about 1/3 on the Burrard bridge since the protected bike lanes were added. As Kari Hewett of the Vancouver Bicycle Advisory Committee says near the end of the video, we hope that other cities will look at this as an example of what to do.
Via StreetFilms. See also: Find Out Why Bicycle Magazine Named...

May 12, 2010 Sridhar READ MORE

David Cameron's cycling travails continued this morning when he stepped out of his home in Notting Hill to discover that his bike had been stolen for the second time in a year.

The Tory leader was spared the prospect of catching the bus to work when his Parliamentary aide offered up his own bicycle and told his boss that he would run to Westminster instead.

Desmond Swayne, the MP for New Forest West, said: "His need was greater; the party would have expected nothing less."

Mr Cameron arrived safely in time for his weekly briefing ahead of Prime Minister's Questions,...

May 12, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

The Nelson Environment Centre (NEC) has created the role of a full-time General Manager to oversee and align its two entities - the Nelson Recycling Centre in Vivian Place and the team working on raising community awareness on waste education, climate change, renewable energy and other sustainability initiatives at the soon to be completed Sustainability Centre. The NEC receives funding to fulfill a range of contracts. These contracts require regular negotiation, management and review.

Reporting to the Governance Committee, you will:

implement the business...

May 11, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Anne and Patrick indicated they'd had some indication of maintenance options from Egressive, but didn't have it avaialbe on Saturday. I'm interested to see the option and prices , as well as knowing

if Egressive have us locked in to using them. They host the site, and presumably we pay them for that. does the hosting contract have an element of maintenance and security built in since the site was also developed by them?

What thigns are we free to take on ourselves?

what things are we free to contract out to other parties? presumably some of this can occur as I understand...

May 11, 2010 stephenw READ MORE

In the spring, biking feels so comfortable and natural happy cyclists are left wondering why they would ever drive or take public transport. Then summer hits and that pleasant morning ride becomes a sweaty nightmare. One way to fight the heat and humidity is to let the bike do some—if not all—of the work for you.

Good writes:

Electric bikes are not for the tiny-hatted bike geeks leaning over racks of $400 carbon fiber wheels at your local bike shop. They're not even for people who are happily biking to work already. Electric bicycles are for people who would...

May 6, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Portland, Oregon is becoming a premier location for cargo bike innovation - Clever Cycles blazed this trail in 2007 by starting to import Dutch Bakfiets cargo boxes and other specialty cargo solutions, and Joe-Bike and Metrofiets are taking a lead in handmade custom-built cargo bikes. There's so much happening that it can be a little daunting for the uninitiated. If you already know that you'll want to haul kids and cargo on a utility bike but have a low threshold for tech talk, how do you figure out what works? Mostly by test driving - it turns out that choosing a cargo bike and...

May 6, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Recently the Ministry of Transport and NZTA  made an amendment to rule 41001/5, which specifies the dimensions that vahicles must comply with. The amendment generally relates to heavy vehicles such as trucks transporting frieght, but the Rule also includes a number of other changes that address issues raised by the transport industry or local authorities. The amendment Rule:

* extends the overall length allowed for certain types of ‘rigid bus’ to reflect the dimensions currently permitted for some buses under exemptions;

* allows buses to be fitted with bicycle racks, which...

May 6, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The creative team at Elements cafe who will be catering for us on Saturday would like to know how many of us prefer not to eat our animal friends. In the interests of expediency please mail me directly and i will communicate to Scott at elements.


Thanks a million


May 5, 2010 Bene READ MORE

Campaigners for a tolled pedestrian and cycle path across Auckland Harbour Bridge have attracted a leading coastal development company to build and operate it as a joint venture.

Orewa-based Hopper Developments - with pioneering projects such as canal housing and marina schemes at Pauanui, Whitianga and Marsden Pt under its belt - has signed a heads of agreement to work with a walking and cycling charitable trust on a $16 million pathway over the bridge.

Architects and structural engineers have already produced a concept design for a shared pathway beneath the bridge's...

May 4, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

You Have to See Those Near-Crashes
Our friends at StreetFilms sat down with Tom Vanderbilt, the author of the excellent book Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (which Lloyd reviewed a couple years ago). If you ever drive a car, you should read it, or at least watch this interview. It is very scary to learn just how our evolved mechanisms start to fail when we drive, and how less aware of our environment we are. The sequence where they show footage from spy cams in cars that are having accidents is quite telling. See video here

From and...

May 3, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

I recently spent several days in Kochi Japan, a city of around 400,000 population on the mainly rural Island of Shikoku.  Shikoku is the smallest and least populated of the four main Japanese Islands, but still has more people than all of New Zealand.  The climate is not unlike that of Northland. The Island is about 200 km wide and between 120 and 80 km from top to bottom.  There are four big cities on Shikoku all around  400,000, and Kochi is on the South side of the island. 

The Centre of the city, as with most Japanese cities is the Railway Station...

May 2, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

In late 2009, CAN undertook some work to review its operations; this change was driven by a need to Refocus and Restructure CAN's organisation.

The attached public summary document outlines the key changes proposed and adopted by CAN. Work is underway to implement these.

For further information, contact the Chair.


April 30, 2010 glen READ MORE

Looking for a new place to live can be stressful. If you are renting a place, then finding a suitable apartment may be less stressful than purchasing a home since the decision does not seem as permanent. Renting an apartment would be the best choice for you. While you likely sign a lease when you rent an apartment, it is unlikely you will stay in the apartment as long as you would a home.

There are lots of considerations in choosing for an apartment. The most important thing would be its location and neighborhood. It is the essential thing to consider in choosing an apartment....

April 29, 2010 AndySmithson READ MORE


Submissions close Friday 30th April at 5.00 pm.  

You can use the online submission form .  I did a copy&paste&edit from the NTCA email sent out earlier this month as a private submission.  NTCA's will be going in tomorrow as a written submission and will post up a copy of it next week.

April 29, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

Throughout May, Council staff and police will be out talking with cyclists as part of our annual safety campaign. Cyclists who are not visible enough will be stopped and given temporary lights and vouchers for reflective gear and lights to be used at a selection of Wellington shops.

The Council's Transport Safety Education Coordinator Anna Blomquist says not to panic if you're stopped at the Police checks.

"All we're doing is encouraging cyclists to be brighter and therefore safer. The more likely you are to be seen the less likely you are to be hit."


April 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The city of Long Beach is undergoing a transformation: the goal of the council is to make Long Beach the most bike-friendly city in the USA. With a bike-friendly mayor and big support from the city council and many businesses, their plans are ambitious. They are thinking big and acting fast.

This is a great 5 minute clip. The city is creating physically protected cycleways, roads with unique green striping in the middle to keep bikes out of the door-zone (GREAT idea!), Southern California's first bicycle boulevard, and hundreds of additional bike racks. They also have a...

April 29, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Wellington cyclists are cleaning up their act with a courtesy campaign aimed at curbing bad biking behaviour on the waterfront.


News release from Cycle Aware Wellington

Cyclists call for courtesy on the waterfront
8 May 2010

Wellington cyclists are cleaning up their act with a courtesy campaign aimed at curbing bad biking behaviour on the waterfront.

Cycle Aware...

April 28, 2010 Patrick READ MORE