

Lack of courtesy on the road drives New Zealanders crazy, says AA Insurance

Selfish drivers with a 'me-first' attitude are the most common frustration to New Zealanders on the road, according to a new AA Insurance survey.

And the most frustrating driver behaviour: drivers who use hand-held mobile phones to talk or text while driving, despite the law change.

"Our claims experience shows that many accidents are caused by drivers not paying full attention to the road, particularly when using mobile phones and texting" says Martin Fox, deputy general...

June 16, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Should cyclists have to pay registration fees, like other road users?

Earlier this year, an Australian MP raised the ire of many cyclists by suggesting just that. According to the SMH, the politician in question said the paying such fees would help legitimise the place of cyclists on the roads.

I take exception to the use of the word legitimate. How is my place on the road not legitimate now? Surely cyclists should receive credit for the fact that we take up less space on the road than we would if we were all driving cars (whatever some motorists may...

June 16, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

The London Fixed-gear and Single-speed club has a useful discussion forum on cycle training: qualifications, training tips, jobs, police checks, insurance etc.
Not just for those who ride fixies or single speeds

June 10, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

The New Plymouth District Council yesterday voted to include unamended all the Roading Officer's recommendations for the Roading Projects:

Extract from NPDC Council Minutes from meeting on 9th June 2010

June 10, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

Auckland is enjoying a strong cycling revival, according to a regional transport authority survey, which has recorded a 27 per cent increase in bikes on the roads in the past year.

Although that region-wide figure is exciting for cycling advocates, Auckland City reports a stronger 39 per cent increase within its boundaries.

"We had the perception [that this was happening] but now we are seeing the figures to prove it," said Cycle Action Auckland spokeswoman Barbara Cuthbert. "We are seeing a complete change now to everyday cyclists getting on to the roads."


June 10, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

The Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) congratulates the NZ Police for their successful campaign on lower speeds.

CAN spokesperson, Anne FitzSimon, says, "Well done New Zealand, our best road safety record for a holiday weekend in one hundred years!"

"CAN urges the Police to extend its successful campaign on lower speeds permanently."

"New Zealand drivers have shown their support this weekend with their behaviour. Let's keep it up and keep road safety a priority.  There's a clear trade off between speed and safety.  We believe most New Zealanders support safer speeds and...

June 8, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

For the past three years, Bridgit Taylor has biked from Upper Hutt railway station to her job in Wellington.

Growing numbers of Kiwis are choosing to take to their bikes and fight for road space with trucks, buses and cars. But as the country goes cycle crazy, commuters and hobbyists are making a concerted plea for safety to improve.

Riding into Wellington on one of the capital's busiest entry roads, cyclists must dodge 15 lamp-posts and a bus stop. The route from Kaiwharawhara is described as "embarrassing" by the Cycling Advocates...

June 8, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Bespoke: The Handbuilt Bicycle displays the designs of six internationally renowned bicycle builders whose work in metal, as well as graphics and artifacts, elucidate this refined, intricate and deeply individual craft.

The twenty-one handbuilt bicycles exhibited sit squarely at the intersection of design, craft, and art, and include a range of contemporary designs: fixed-gear, road racing, cyclocross, mountain, and commuter bicycles, as well as the stripped-down radonneur, designed exclusively for long-distance racing. The exhibition features bicycles by: Mike Flanigan,...

June 4, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

As bike commuting becomes more popular, facilities where you can store your bike, extra clothes and even take a shower will become a necessity. These bike facilities could even possibly replace parking lots, which is exactly what Annie Scheel proposes with her BIKE center for Philadelphia. Scheel took home first prize in a recent competition hosted by the Delaware Valley Green Building Council with her stellar all-in-one bike facility and master plan that gives urban bikers a place of their own in the city. While the parking lot has capacity for 100 cars, the bike storage facility...

June 4, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE



June 3, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

The Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) fully supports tougher enforcement of speed limits - but wants this tough stance permanently.  

CAN spokesperson, Anne FitzSimon, says "If it makes sense for Queens Birthday, it makes sense all the time."

National road policing manager Superintendent Paula Rose said during Queens Birthday weekend police will reduce their 10 per cent tolerance for driving over the speed limit to 5 per cent.

Ms FitzSimon says "The case for lower speeds is compelling."

"5% maximum tolerance for speeding offences, and lowering operating speeds...

June 3, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Speeding motorists used to driving 10kmh over the maximum speed limit will not get away with it this weekend, as police trial a zero tolerance policy to cut road deaths.

Police say New Zealand's 10 per cent tolerance zone is higher than other countries, and cutting it could help change the attitudes of motorists who claim lives.

From tomorrow, extra police will be out in force for Queen's Birthday Weekend and, for the first time, motorists found to be more than 4kmh over the open road speed limit will be ticketed.

The Automobile Association predicts the move will...

June 3, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Andrew Sullivan shows us the world's luckiest bicyclist, and writes that "it looks as if he barely notices." It's true.


June 3, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

In Madrid last week, up to 3,000 cyclists slowed traffic to a grind in a few of the car-clogged central arteries of the capital city, but according to this blog, riders "made friends with drivers and pedestrians." Meanwhile, In Los Angeles, a Streetsblog report and YouTube clip shows at least one bike rider during a Critical Mass last week purposefully kicked or tripped by police standing by. And then, there's San Francisco, where it all began, and where it still goes each last Friday of the month. Meanwhile, in the arguable capital of U.S. cycling, Portland, Critical Mass rides...

June 3, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Archimedes said "Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand on, and I can move the world." The modern version might be "give me gearing low enough and I can move the monsterbike." It would be the perfect thing for our teeth-rattling trenched and patched bike lanes, or for when an idiot opens a car door in front of you; just plough right through it.

On the other hand, steering looks a bit dicey.

It appears to come from the Netherlands, where it is nice and flat, perhaps a requirement for this bike. See video below


June 3, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Wanna see a slice of the glorious NYC bike month that was?  There were dozens of great May events from Bike to Work Day in the Bronx to the David Bowie Dance Ride in Manhattan to Bike to School Day at MS51 in Brooklyn. Of course we couldn't get to all of them, but we managed to drop by quite a few extravaganzas.

In this funky montage wrap-up you'll see many special guest stars including Hal Ruzal, Randy "The Ethicist" Cohen, Mary Beth Kelly, and Eben "Bike Snob" Weiss, just to pick out some of the dozens of faces.  But none so special as an appearance by our very...

June 3, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Nearly 30 parking spaces along Masterton's busiest stretch of road are about to be rubbed out to make way for cycle lanes.
The new lanes, running on both sides of the street between the town's northern and southern roundabouts, have just been signed off by the Masterton District Council. They will go in next month as part of a $200,000 Masterton cycling initiative by the New Zealand Transport Authority.

Aside from the loss of spaces, medians will be readjusted in different parts of the street and the green seal near the Waingawa Bridge will also be...

June 3, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

A cycling school teacher is demanding an apology from New Plymouth police after a run-in with a constable at a busy intersection.

Steven Tubby claims he was assaulted and says the incident has left him questioning police procedures...

June 2, 2010 Graeme READ MORE


New Plymouth's Te Rewa Rewa Bridge.

The Te Rewa Rewa Bridge – an 80 m long shared pedestrian/cycle bridge over the Waiwhakaiho River – will be opened to the public from 11.30 am this Saturday.

The public is welcome to come along to the ceremony, which will include a sausage sizzle and a giveaway of a limited number of souvenir drink bottles.


June 1, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

This morning Greater Wellington Regional Council and CAW volunteers ran a workshop at Waterloo bus depot for Valley Flyer and Go Wellington drivers. WCC's Emma Hope came along too.

We switched seats: drivers on bikes, and cyclists behind the wheel of the bus.

Key lessons for bikers:
- keep out of the driver's blind spot behind the bus
- ride predictably. Signal, use eye contact.
- if riding up the Glenmore St bus lane, pull over if there's a string of buses behind you.
- keep out of Bus Only lanes such as Willis St and...

June 1, 2010 Patrick READ MORE