

A cycle response unit has been set up by the Devon branch of St John Ambulance to reach isolated incidents.

The cycling team will respond to incidents at locations where casualties would be hard to reach by ambulance.

The bikes will also be used at events like the Devon County Show to transport medical care through crowds.

Medical equipment, including minor treatment kits, has been fitted to the bikes.

'Saving lives'

Cycling co-ordinator Ollie Mulcock said: "At Devon County Show it was very hard to negotiate the crowds of people on foot and carrying...

July 5, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

What needs to be done to achieve more and safer cycling across Europe?

Along this central question the European Cyclists Federation (ECF) has published its first Road Safety Charter, adopted by the Annual General 2010 Meeting in Tczew, Poland.

The Charter comes just in time as the EU is preparing its 4th Road Safety Action Programme 2011-2020. Within this Action Programme, the ECF would like to see rate-based targets included aiming at halving fatality and injury rates by 2020, measured in kilometres cycled [or per hour/ per trip...

July 5, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

There used to be a time when culture and cycling were not words you'd expect to use together (way back around the same time coffee was just a hot drink). But, what was once a mode of transport (or an obscure sport for skinny guys with shaved legs) has become a hot culture, with tribes and sub-tribes.

Naturally, each has its own wardrobe. And some even subscribe to a manifesto.

Pippa Coom is the high priestess (she prefers to call herself co-ordinator) of one of the prettier sub-cultures of cycling - Frocks on Bikes - and with a bunch of other style-conscious women is...

July 2, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Currently PNCC is carrying out a sectional review of the District Plan.  The first section relates to the Central Business Zones. Information about the proposed changes is available on the PNCC website at

July 1, 2010 Christine READ MORE

by Bevan Woodward

Even a small reduction in speed has huge safety benefits, a recent workshop on speed limit management showed.

The one day workshop was hosted by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA), ARRB (an Australian road research group) and Austroads (an association of Australian and New Zealand road transport and
traffic authorities).

Participants learned that a 5% reduction in average speed delivers reductions of 25% in deaths, 15% in serious injuries and 8% in minor injuries. Many towns and cities in Europe have reduced traffic speeds from 50 km/h to 40 or...

July 1, 2010 Patrick READ MORE

Hi All,

I noted that there is no venue selected for the CAN DO. Today I sugesed to Patrick the Belmont Memorial Hall in Lower Hutt. Although it is in the Hutt rather than Wellington proper it has several advantages:

Close the the recently improved Hutt River Trail. Recently upgraded with a sealed bike trackplenty of fabulous picnic spots.Close to train and bus routes and SH2Cheap, we could even ask Hutt City Cuncil to supply it free of chargeParking-a-plenty (scoff, scoff)

There are neat options for an extended ride from the Hutt to the Wairarapa via the Rimutaka incline or take...

June 28, 2010 Stuart Edwards READ MORE

It has become a kind of mantra for cities looking to encourage cycling through a widening network of bicycle lanes: Build them, and the riders will come.

And, it turns out, the same might be said of bicycle thieves.

As cyclists from New York to San Francisco take advantage of new commuting infrastructure, thieves appear to be taking a growing interest in two-wheeled travel as well, riders and advocates report. The response by some cities and local law enforcement agencies has been a kind of high-tech cat-and-mouse game, one involving bait bikes and radio trackers as...

June 28, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

Help decide what projects CAW should work on in 2010-11

During the planning meeting, over cup cakes, we came up with ideas for potential CAW projects for 2010-2011.  But we need your help to prioritise what top three projects we should work on in 2010.  Please fill in the survey form – so we can work on the top picks of a wider audience.

During 2009

Last year we worked on meetings, submissions, and improving relationships.  CAW’s three projects were: the implementation of the WCC cycling plan, membership engagement, and bus driver...

June 27, 2010 Illona READ MORE


What is a model walking and cycling community?

Model communities are urban environments where walking or cycling is offered to the community as the easiest transport choice.

Attached is a fact sheet put out by NZTA today with their announcement re the successful bids for the funding.  Plus some information from both NP and Hastings on what is in store for their communities.

June 25, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

Hastings and New Plymouth will benefit from a $7.28 million Model Communities project aimed at getting more people cycling and walking.

Cycling groups welcomed the news.

"Everyone wins when there's more people walking and biking," said Cycling Advocates' Network spokesperson Anne FitzSimon.

"There will be less traffic congestion, less pollution, people will be healthier, and businesses will benefit from more cycling tourism."

"All New Zealand cyclists will be watching closely to see how councils in Taranaki and Hawkes Bay invest in better...

June 25, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Photo: Stuart Gibson$3.7m boost for walking and cycling in New Plymouth and Hastings

The NZ Transport Agency has announced that $3.7 million will be invested over the next two years to help New Plymouth become one of New Zealand’s first walking and cycling model communities.

NZTA Central Regional Director Jenny Chetwynd said the agency had approved the funding through the walking and cycling activity class of the National Land Transport Programme. New Plymouth District Council will...

June 25, 2010 Graeme READ MORE

Giddy biking and public policy enthusiasts crowded into Minneapolis' Uptown Theater last night, grabbing pints of Surly brew (in a corn-based compostable cup, no less), and settling in for a panel discussion on "Cities, Bicycles, and the Future of Getting Around," part of a popular "Policy and a Pint" series sponsored by local public radio station 89.3 The Current.

Headlining panelist David Byrne, avid cycling advocate and former Talking Heads frontman, was no doubt causing some of the buzz-I mean, he's David Byrne, for heaven's sake; if you haven't seen Stop Making...

June 25, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Why cycling?

The UK – and the world – faces major policy challenges including climate change, economic crisis, and the rise in limiting, costly illnesses linked to low levels of physical activity. Transport contributes to these problems.

Over the past century human powered journeys have increasingly been replaced by motorised journeys. Road transport accounts for a substantial and growing share of Europe's CO2 emissions, while the cost of motoring is a heavy burden on households. Active transport modes - walking and cycling - could help to...

June 24, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE

The month of June marks the running of Trek’s Go By Bike campaign in the UK. For 2010, Trek has partnered with advocacy organizations London Cycling Campaign (LCC), CTC-The UK’s National Cyclists’ Organisation, and Sustrans.

From May 28th to June 30th, customers who purchase a Trek from participating dealers will be offered a free one-year membership to either LCC or CTC. Sustrans will then send customers a ‘Free Your Bike’ pack, which includes tips on cycling, and a local National Cycle Network map. Trek dealers will also be including a free helmet to customers who purchase...

June 24, 2010 Alex admin READ MORE


"Seen while cycling home from work (while stopped at red light).


Was this a clever twist on the debate on getting around London? The site was so slow I never found out and I had to get back to my theme, Conflicting Perspectives of Differently Travelling Londoners and the Issue of Cycling in London.



June 24, 2010 chris lenth READ MORE

A mother-of-three has been charged over the death of an Auckland University lecturer as he cycled home from work two months ago.

Nadine Koroheke, 40, was charged with dangerous driving causing death to Johann "Hans" Edge, also a parent of three including a new baby, and is to appear in the Manukau District Court next month.

Thirty-six-year-old Dr Edge, who was a lecturer in sports and exercise, was cycling home to Howick on March 25 with two colleagues.

As he came down Pakuranga Rd, and Ms Koroheke crossed two lanes to turn into her driveway after going to the...

June 24, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Environmental and animal rights activists have been cycling through Mexico City naked.

Many covered up just a little with bunny tails, painted cow spots and other well-placed props.

They wore signs saying, "Don't eat me" and "I need my skin."

The protest on Saturday was also intended to promote cycling in one of the world's biggest, most polluted cities.

Armando Monroa says he got naked to show aggressive Mexico City drivers "how fragile the human body is compared to a machine that weighs a tonne".

Cycling has become increasingly popular in the...

June 21, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) says reverse-in parking is better for people in cars and pedestrians as well as cyclists.

CAN spokesperson, Anne FitzSimon, applauds New Zealand Transport Agency support for reverse-in parking.

"Reverse-in parking improves the driver's view when pulling out of parking spaces."

"It's safer for passengers as they face the footpath when getting out of a car. It's also easier to access a car boot from the footpath rather than standing in the road."

"And it greatly reduces conflict with cyclists."

Reverse-in parking induces...

June 21, 2010 Anne F READ MORE

ASB Cycle Friendly Awards 2010 Poster and Flyer available

The two attachments are for circulation and printing. The flyer is good for events where likely nominators may be in attendance. The poster for general advertising. Please contact me if you would like printed copies of the poster.


June 17, 2010 Dirk READ MORE

The Transport Agency is supporting plans by some councils to change their carparking rules so that motorists have to reverse into angled carparks.

It says doing so would help reduce accidents, especially between cars and bikes.

The agency's spokesperson, Andy Knackstedt, says at the moment drivers reverse out of the parks, so they should be able to reverse in.

But the Automobile Association says motorists with poor mobility, especially elderly drivers, find it difficult to reverse into parks.

The Transport Agency says councils should be...

June 17, 2010 Anne F READ MORE