Presented by: Carl Whittleston, New Plymouth District Council
What is a Model Community? Targeted funding- lead travel behaviour change, improved trasport choices
Why apply to be one?
Successful proposal:
New Plymouth vision: residents choose walking and cycling.
Build in the Three E's:
Investment- $5.4 million on infrastructure. Community programmes $1.17M.
Branding- Let's Go (walk, ride, bus) -'ride' includes skates, scooters etc.
What now: consultation on some projects, creating 40 km/h zones, Frocks on Bikes, accessways, cycle lanes, school engagement for skill training, school gate projects, meetings for overall planning for skills and travel planning, project planning for website development
Events: Big Bike Fixup was huge.
Walkability improvements- Model Communities has helped.
Work vehicles- 'pace cars'. Different 'Share the Road' branding- not Let's Go.
Shared space- communities involved in redesigning streets.
Lessons- form a strong team. Take time to explain. Don't discount or delay enthusiasm, project plans or consultation. Be very aware of people and relationships. Sometimes pays to check own aproach- find a mentor.
Enthusiasm from the mayor down was critical in why it happened in New Plymouth.
Proposal- emphasise economic benefits (mostly health).
Would a bigger budget have helped? No, practicality of building stuff limited things.
How to do something similar in communities where it's hard? Get out, talk, sell the idea. Others will look at existing Model Communities.
What can CAN/NTCA do? Events, skills training.
Do bikeshops have suitable bikes? No, not yet.