CAN Do 2011 session 3: CAN/BikeNZ media, and SafeKids

CAN/BikeNZ crash/incident media

Presented by: Glen Koorey (CAN)

Coordination between CAN and BikeNZ- to get consistent messages.
Guidelines developed - useful for others too - copy of guidelines attached (PDF)

Mock interview (Glen interviewing Patrick).

Be careful not to include too many different points.

If it's a fatality, don't say things that might be construed as making light of the situation.


Presented by: Ann Weaver, Sara Bennett (SafeKids)

  • Cycling makes up 6% of child injury burden.
  • Aim of SafeKids is to reduce incidence and severity of injuries in the 0-14 year age group.
  • Funded by Ministry of Health (Starship)
  • Based on US model- started in 1990s
  • Part of a global network (22 countries)- issues similar around the world
  • 3 arms: policy/advocacy (position papers, fact sheets); information centre (online catalogue); public awareness (campaigns)
  • Coalition model- local fire departments, Plunket, Road Safety etc; implement at local level

This year's campaign focus has been on driveways.  Next year- out and about: cycling, beaches.

Cycling campaign:

  • Context: cycling has health and community benefits; part of growing up
  • Perception of risk by parents
  • Most of injury burden falls on boys in under 14s
  • Development of DVD resource on helmet use
  • Under 10s- mostly supervised. Encouraging helmet use, skills training, conspicuity
  • Not much research on visibility aids for kids
  • What is the place of riding on the footpath? Overlooked by the authorities for under 10s. What are the rules- age, wheel size? Is footpath riding any safer?
  • Speed reduction.


  • how much of the 6% of child injury burden caused by cycling occurs on road? varies with age- more for over 10s
  • focus on any particuar demographics?  Injuries are correlated with deprivation, for all types of injury. May need different interventions for different demographics.
  • importance of environmental factors- lower speeds etc.