This book contains notes from the 2011 CAN Do, held in Nelson, October 29-30.
"A Recipe for Ride On"- for SASTA presentation. Emphasis on integration.
Presented by: Marg Parfitt, road safety advisor Nelson City Council, and Sarah Downs, Tasman District Council/Nelson City Council school travel planner.
Presented by: Glen Koorey and Graeme Lindup (CAN) - PDF presentation (2MB)
Project runs over 16 months and has $340,000 funding from NZTA. It has three components:
A joint steering group with members from both CAN and BikeNZ was set up to oversee the project.
Glen showed a diagram showing the various components of the training programme, including:
CAN/BikeNZ tasks:
Costs for instructors:
How to ensure quality is kept up (repeat assessment)?
Workshops aimed at increased understanding between cyclists and two different road user groups: bus and truck drivers.
CAN/BikeNZ tasks:
CAN/BikeNZ tasks:
Behaviour goals: understanding rules, safe movement, less aggression.
Used Tamaki Drive (Auckland) as a case study:
"The Good Bunch"
Input into "Tips for Cyclists/ Motorists" resource.
Longer term:
Presented by: Glen Koorey (CAN)
Coordination between CAN and BikeNZ- to get consistent messages.
Guidelines developed - useful for others too - copy of guidelines attached (PDF)
Mock interview (Glen interviewing Patrick).
Be careful not to include too many different points.
If it's a fatality, don't say things that might be construed as making light of the situation.
Presented by: Ann Weaver, Sara Bennett (SafeKids)
This year's campaign focus has been on driveways. Next year- out and about: cycling, beaches.
Cycling campaign:
Presented by: Patrick Morgan (CAN)
Presented by: Richard Hamer (Cycle Action Whakatane)
Inspired by attending a workshop earlier this year, with presentations from Model Communities (Paul McArdle & New Plymouth District Council). As a result, started two projects:
BikeWise- two locals in Whakatane got the contract to look after the national BikeWise website.
Two main events:
Presented by: Stephen Wood (CAN)
Presented by: Graeme Lindup (CAN)
Presented by: Robbie Price (Cycle Action Waikato) and Julie Roe (CAN)
"2011-an analogy along Wairere Drive"
Presented by: Graeme Lindup (CAN)
Strategic plan from 2007-2009: focus areas were Money, People and Delivery.
Strategic plan from 2009: focus areas are: Governance and Delivery.
(delivery). This led to the proposed split between CAN Board (governance) and Portfolio Groups. Haven't yet fully achieved the split between board and portfolios.
Some of the portfolio work is done by staff (Patrick Morgan)- group/member support, communications/website, contract delivery, revenue, campaigns.
Portfolio groups:
Group | Who | Priority? |
Administration | Adrian (membership), Elaine (finances) | yes |
Group/member support | Patrick | yes |
Policy/advice | John Lieswyn | maybe |
Communications/website | Stephen, Patrick | yes |
Submissions/meetings | Christine | |
Contract delivery | Patrick, Jena | yes |
Activities/events | Not sure | |
Revenue | Patrick, Anne | yes |
Campaigns | Patrick |
Presented by: John Baldwin, Lynn Sleath (Kapiti Cycling)
Presented by: Glen Koorey (CAN)
Presented by: Kevin Hague MP (Greens)
Presented by: David Hawke, Glen Koorey (Spokes Canterbury)
Presented by: Stephen Wood (CAN)
The CAN website serves as our public website and also hold pages for local groups, working groups and the committee. Since last year it also now holds our membership database. Stephen does some of the maintenance to keep the website running, and some is done by our hosting company, Egressive.
Recent proposal from Tim Gummer: to improve usability and aesthetics- design and layout fixes. Initial work to be carried out for free, but will charge for the work to be continued. There is some useful stuff in the proposal- but need to establish costs and agreement.
Website issues to go to Stephen/Anne-
Presented by: Patrick Morgan (CAN)
Patrick reported on his recent Churchill Fellowship study trip to look at cycling initiatives in Japan, UK, Europe and California, and presented a slideshow.
Presented by: Patrick Morgan (CAN)
Presented by: Graeme Lindup, Glen Koorey (CAN)
Before June 2012, we need to decide what ongoing work we would like to do for NZTA.
Last May's bid had a lot of 'safer road user behaviour' components, which didn't get picked up, including:
Brainstorming for NZTA proposal- more ideas: