CAN Do 2009 Session 6: Resources to support advocacy 1

Oral submissions

(Fiona Whero)

  • November: councils are preparing draft annual plans. One objective of the CAN network project is to get people involved in plans.
  • National Land Transport Programme - Lisa Rossiter (NZTA) pointed out at the Cycling Conference that the small budget of cycling and walking was not all spent last year and some was lost (carried over to this year). Every state highway should get a shoulder. Minor improvements programme: Christchurch $1.2M possible source of funding. Need to ask council about it. Check that money is allocated appropriately in proportion to crashes. Explanation of project table funding priorities etc.
  • Oral submissions (handout)
  • Good to go with someone else who knows local infrastructure.
  • Most effective submissions are short, punchy, look like they are from the community (e.g. women). "Cuddle a Councillor"! Bikewise month link with verbal submissions? Selwyn brought mayor over through Mayoral Challenge.
  • Humour is good - Nicola (Cycle Aware Wellington) suggested 3 million Chinese students on bikes to demonstrate safety in numbers.
  • Cycling projects could score higher, challenge?
  • In Kapiti, used film of kids on bridge.
  • Can get kids to present (lead in, buy in)

Police being cycle aware

(Patrick Morgan)

  • Cycle Aware Wellington police workshop resource kit- give police a view of the cyclist's experience.
  • Now available from the CAN website for use in other locations.
  • Could be used for other groups as well, e.g. bus drivers.

Media card

(Patrick Morgan)

Business card, checklist of what to do when media calls.


(Paul Bruce)

  • Submissions have been important in changing thinking of regional councils.
  • Great Harbour Way significant. NZTA putting more priority on outcomes for cycling, hopeful for Petone-Ngauranga. Funding may come from rail upgrade budget. Cycle track will provide protection. Synergy between different transport systems. Seems repetitive, but need to do it.
  • Value of turning up and speaking to submissions.


(Liz Mikkelsen)

  • Handout and disk of resources for treasurers of local groups.
  • Role of treasurer. In October, CAN sends letter to groups asking for info about members to calculate levies.
  • Keep it Simple. Can split the job: account operator, report to meeting, keep records. Another person can e.g. report to Incorporated Societies. Printed form for input to Excel if treasurer doesn't want to use computer.

Local authorities

(Christine Cheyne)

  • Voting for territorial authorities- time to support cycle friendly candidates.
  • Get issues on election agenda, e.g. sustainable transport, economic benefits (see Cycling Conference papers).
  • Suggest questions for media to ask.
  • Find out email addresses for candidates.